Essay Contest Rules for Reno, Nevada
Involve children, schools and parents in the Elks Drug Awareness Program Create an opportunity for a State DAP to gain National Recognition Great publicity for Local Lodges & State Associations
This contest is for boys and girls in grades 6 – 8 This is not a contest for High School Students
Is it based on the theme? Is it original? Is it neat? Is it grammatically correct?
The Essay should be written on standard 8-1/2 by 11 inch paper The Essay should contain no more than 500 words The Essay should be handwritten but type written Essays should not be excluded
Name of the Student Age & Grade of the Student Home Address of the Student Name of the Student’s School
Name and Number of Sponsoring Lodge Parental Form (Hold Harmless Waiver)
The contest runs from September 1, 2013 until April 1, 2014 Send entries to: Gerry Kirkland 3376 Richards Crossing Fort Mill, SC 29708
Each girl and boy state winner will receive $100. There will be one National winner who will receive an electronic media device from the Drug Awareness Program (value = $300)
“Down with Drugs…. Up with Awareness”