1 Mosquito Biology & Management Around the Home Todd Murray, IPM Program
2 The Basics… Diptera: Flies –Culicidae: Mosquitoes 3,000 species + worldwide 50 species in the PNW 9 species vectors of WNV in WA Aquatic insects –Two Groups Floodwater Permanent water Important pests of humans
3 Life Cycle
4 Habitats
7 Mosquito Genre in Washington Aedes A. vexans* A. cinereus* Anopheles A. punctipennis* Culiseta C. inornata* Culex C. pipiens* C. tarsalis* Ochlerotatus O. japonicus* O. canadensis* Coquillettidia C. perturbans* *Known WNV Vectors
8 Eggs Laid singly –On water Anopheles Coquillrttidia –On land Aedes & Ochlerotatus Egg rafts –Culex spp.
9 Larvae (Wigglers) Hatch to larvae in 48 hrs 4 instars Breath oxygen Filter feeders 7-14 days
10 Pupae (Tumblers) Non-feeding stage 1-4 days
11 Emergers
12 Adults
13 Adults 1-2 months Females feed on blood Mating usually occurs at breeding site. Nectar feeders ½ - 2 mile range
14 WNV in Washington Don’t Panic Don’t Ignore
15 WNV Response Plan Coordinated plan with county offices: –Questions on Human Health: Local County Health Department –Questions about specific water bodies: County/City Public Works –Questions about mosquito management: County Cooperative Extension
16 Mosquito Control
17 Mosquito Management Best achieved as an area wide/regional effort. –Mosquito abatement & vector control districts: Citizen/ taxpayer Political process Single mission
18 Message to Homeowners Report mosquito problems to your local government
19 Message to Homeowners Insecticides are generally ineffective for mosquito management around the home –Adulticides –Larvicides
20 Cultural Management Bite PreventionSource Reduction
21 Bite Prevention Barriers –Limit outdoor activities –Keep windows and doorways tightly sealed –Wear protective clothing –Mosquito netting can also be used to protect one’s face and neck or used on infant carriages, strollers and playpens
22 Bite Prevention Repellents: The same respect and caution should be used when using repellents as with other insecticides. –Choose a repellent that best fits your outdoor activity. –Apply repellents to areas that are exposed. –Do not apply repellents to open wounds, eyes or mouth. –People with sensitive skin should avoid using repellents –Test a small area of skin –Wash off repellents after going indoors
23 DEET 10-40% DEET are sufficient for repelling mosquitoes on adults Products containing 23% DEET offer over five hours of protection Increased concentrations over 50% do not offer significantly longer protection 10% or less of DEET are suitable for use on children Repellents should not be used on infants
24 Citronella Repellents Citronella –Topically or volatilized in candles –Topically applied citronella is short lasting –Candles can offer some reduction of mosquito bites
25 Repellents Permethrin (both insecticide and repellent) –Used on clothing and other fabrics –Should not be applied directly to skin –Read the label and follow directions Bath oils, such as Avon Skin-So-Soft: –EPA registered –Works for less than 30 minutes
26 Mosquito Repelling Plants Mosquito-repelling plants, such as the citrosa plants, do not significantly reduce mosquito numbers or mosquito bites Plant-derived repellents, such as soybean oil –Not long lasting as products containing DEET –2% soybean oil last for over one hour, on average
27 Electronic Repellents High frequency sounds do not repel mosquitoes, or other pests Electronic bug zappers do not control mosquitoes or other flying pests
28 Mosquito Traps Newly developed carbon dioxide baited traps do attract and trap many adult mosquitoes –Expensive –Practical benefits unknown
29 Habitat Reduction Eliminate water-trapping containers
30 Regularly drain water-trapping containers: Change birdbath water every week (more frequently during summer) Drill drainage holes in planters, boxes and tires left or used outdoors
31 Regularly drain water-trapping containers: Regularly drain pet dishes and plant pot saucers Empty uncovered rain barrels every week (more frequently during summer)
32 Regularly drain water-trapping containers: Regularly clean and repair gutters to prevent them from retaining water.
33 Regularly drain water-trapping containers: Regularly check and drain plastic covers and tarps Store water-trapping containers upside down or inside shelters.
34 Fill in or landscape water-trapping areas of your yard: Fill in tree holes Check and repair leaky irrigation systems, pipes and faucets Do not over-water your lawn and garden
35 Fill in or landscape water-trapping areas of your yard: Fill or drain seepage ponds and puddles Grade or fill low areas
36 Manage habitats in and around water bodies: Such as: ornamental and retention ponds, ditches and catch basins Manage weeds Remove unnecessary floating structures or debris Keep drains, ditches and culverts clean to allow proper drainage Shape pond edges to a shelf or steep slope. Mosquitoes prefer shallow pond edges
37 Biological Control Predators of adult mosquitoes
38 Biological Control
39 Biological Control Conserve beneficial organisms in permanent water bodies –Reduce habitat disturbance Stock predatory fish in closed, managed water bodies such as ornamental ponds –Contact WS Fish & Wildlife for permits and recommendations
40 Homeowner Larvicides Rarely recommended for home use For use only in contained water bodies
41 Mosquito Management Fact Sheets