Plastic Bag Lab Pg. 21
Answer the following questions What happens when you rub your feet on the floor and then touch the door knob? o Was there a charge produced? Y or N o Which object has the charge feet or door knob? o Answer: You feel a “shock”
Question/Problem: What makes objects attract and repel? o Hypothesis: If objects are charged then they will attract or repel because the charges affect its behavior.
Plastic-HandPlastic-DeskPlastic-Plastic Result? (Attract or Repel) Drawing Before Rubbing Drawing After Rubbing
Activity #1-Hand to Plastic Cut 2 strips from a plastic grocery bag so that each is about 2–4 cm wide and about 20 cm long. o Hold the plastic strip firmly at one end. Then grasp the plastic strip between the thumb and fingers of your other hand. o Quickly pull your top hand up so that the plastic strip runs through your fingers. Do this three or four times. o Allow the strip to hang down. Then bring your other hand near it. o Write “attract” or “repel” in the chart on the activity sheet to describe what happened
Report your Results-Hand to Plastic What happened? Draw pictures of how the charges were interacting between your hand and the plastic
Activity #2- plastic to desk Charge one strip of plastic the same way you did previously. This time, bring the plastic strip toward your desk or chair. Write “attract” or “repel” in the chart.
Report your Results-Desk to Plastic What happened? Draw pictures of how the charges were interacting between the desk and the plastic.
Activity #3-Plastic to Plastic Charge two strips of plastic Slowly bring the two strips of plastic near each other. Write “attract” or “repel” in the chart on the activity sheet.
Report your Results-plastic to plastic What happened? Draw pictures of how the charges were interacting between the plastic and plastic
Results What can we infer about charges and particles that make up the substances around us?
Activity #4-Balloon and paper confetti Rub a balloon on your hair or clothes. Bring the balloon slowly toward small pieces of paper
Report your Results- paper confetti and balloon What happened? Draw pictures of how the charges are interacting between the confetti and the balloon.