SureDuz Mosquito Candle INFORMATION BOOKLET "When it comes to repelling pesky mosquitos, no other product comes close"
Scientifically Proven "When it comes to repelling pesky mosquitos, no other product comes close" Under scientific testing by Dr Scott Ritchie – Head Entomologist, James Cook University, results conclusively verified that the SureDuz Mosquito Candle was significantly more effective in repelling mosquitos than any other product in its category.
HOW DOES IT WORK? "When it comes to repelling pesky mosquitos, no other product comes close" Active Ingredients Outer Layer Heating Core The outer layer of the candle contains the active repelling formula- not citronella When the candle is lit, the unique core will heat to the optimum temperature, and release the active ingredients Within 15 minutes a non toxic, odourless plume is created covering a 5m x 5m area This plume will daze and repel the mosquitos so they no longer want to feed and bite.
ITS SIMPLE TO USE….. Position Candle between you and the source of mosquitos Light out of direct wind; wait 15 minutes to reach release temperature Enjoy a 5m x 5m protection zone from the non toxic plume Mosquitos are gone…… "When it comes to repelling pesky mosquitos, no other product comes close"