The War on Terror 2001-present
Background to 9/11/2001 Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda – “the Base” – Islamic Fundamentalism: Islam is under attack from Western culture “Jihad” (holy war) is necessary to repel the invaders – Origins of this idea: Cold War: American and European meddling in the Middle East A whacky misreading of the Q’uran!
Background to 9/11/2001 Terrorist attacks against the United States – 1993 World Trade Center bombing – 1998 attacks on American embassies in Africa – 2000 attack on USS Cole in Yemen – 2001 attack on New York City and Washington
US Response Attack those that waged the 9/11 attacks by going after the nations that house them: Afghanistan – “Operation Enduring Freedom:” destroy the Taliban (government that is protecting al-Qaeda) to prevent future attacks on US – US troops still trying to stop violence and unrest in Afghanistan
The Middle East
Difficulties in Afghanistan
How do you stop terrorism? Should the United States invade an entire country if they provide assistance to terrorist groups? Should the United States fight pre- emptive wars? (attack before you get attacked)
Religious Diversity in Iraq
Timeline in Iraq March 2003: invasion begins May 2003: Bush declares end to combat operations December 2003: Saddam Hussein captured 2004: Insurgents (members of al-Qaeda who came to Iraq) begin to target American soldiers 2005: Civil War: Sectarian (religious) strife between Shiites and Sunnis 2006: US sends a “surge” of US troops to stop violence – US accelerates training of Iraqi security forces and encourages development of Iraqi democracy 2009: Barack Obama takes office; promises to end war 2011: Last combat troops in Iraq left 2014: Is Iraq a stable, secure democracy???
War on Terrorism at Home Creation of Department of Homeland Security (Cabinet) – Brings security agencies (ex: FBI, Coast Guard, Immigration, TSA, Border Patrol, etc.) under one roof USA PATRIOT Act – Gives government greater powers to conduct surveillance WITHOUT a warrant! Ex: Banks must turn over financial records; telecommunications companies allow govt. wiretaps – Debate over Civil Liberties How do we balance right to privacy (4 th amend.) with the need for security?
Costs of the War on Terror Financial: Between $4-6 TRILLION! 9/11 Attacks: 2,977 civilians American Military Deaths: 6,717 Afghan Civilians: 16,000(?) Iraq Civilians: 134,000(?) America’s reputation – Torture: Abu Ghraib; “rendition” – Drone Strikes and civilian casualties
Iraq and the Arab Spring??