Sediment & Physical Parameters Levi Dawes Richard Yang Paul Schiller Paul Burke
Outline Quick background What we did (Methods and Results) Conclusions and Suggestions
Background North of Potlatch and owned by Larry & Lael Turnbow Dug out 3 years ago, added depth and size High turbidity Ground water inflow Bass and rainbow trout present
Pond Sample Locations
Basic Materials Material ListNumbers Needed KB core sampler1 KB core tube9 KB core plug18 Messenger2 Van dorm sampler1 Sampling bottle18 Secchi disk1 Turbidity tube/ turbidity probe 1
Methods Riparian Vegetation Turbidity Secchi Depth KB Core
KB Core Results
Secchi Depth LocationDuplicate NumberSecchi Depth (m)Photic Zone Depth (m) A B C Average
Riparian Vegetation
Pond Bottom Low organic matter suggests large amounts of clay Pond will not leak, however it is not good for aquatic vegetation Adding more aquatic vegetation will eventually increase organic matter
Suggestions (long term) Plant more riparian and bank vegetation, especially shrubs Increased root length and size will stabilize soil and lower turbidity Increased plant diversity will lead to increased aquatic animal diversity
Suggestions (short term) Apply calcium sulfate (CaSO 4 ) (gypsum) CaSO 4 binds to clay particles May alter water chemistry Negative charges repel each other Cations bind to clay and make it neutral
Suggestions (short term) Add alfalfa to shallow areas 2 square bales/acre of surface area in spring and summer Decomposition => positively charged molecules Adds food for microbes and bugs Decomposition consumes O2
Summary Turnbow Pond has high turbidity Our results suggest high clay input Treat with riparian buffer zone and hay
References Clearing ponds that have turbid (muddy) water. Missouri Department of Conservation. Online source. Accessed on 9 December Riparian Buffers. Stream Notes 1. Online source. Accessed on 9 December Schlosser, I.J., Karr, J.R Water quality in agricultural watersheds: impact of riparian vegetation during base flow. Water Resources Bulletin 17: Yi, Y., Lin, C.K. wei, Diana, J.S Techniques to mitigate clay turbidity problems in fertilized earthen fish ponds. Aquacultural Engineering 27:39-51.