A Presentation by: Naghma Siddiqi, Ph D. Scholar, Principal Investigator, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences, Jamia Hamdard Through Islam and Peace Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Building Bridges Through Islam and Peace Divergence of views do exist between man and man. To live in harmony in pluralistic societies we have to find some guiding principles. Hatred, separatism, intolerance and violence divides communities. Love, Respect, Peace and Positivity unites communities. Islam gives some guiding principles. Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Come to a Common Word Through Islam and Peace Say: O People of Book, Let us come to a word common to us and you that we will worship none but God (The Qur’an, 3:64). Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Follow One, Respect All Through Islam and Peace To you your religion and to me mine. ( The Qur’an, 109:6). Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Peace Today Through Islam and Peace Peace is summum bonum in the world. All positive achievements are possible only in an environment of peace. This is especially true for building bridges in pluralistic societies. Can Islam give a practical model? Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Islam’s View On Peace Through Islam and Peace The very word ‘Islam’ (from the Arabic Silm) connotes peace. God is Peace. (Bukhari) Peace is the best. (The Qur’an, 4:128) Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Motivation For Peace Through Islam and Peace God despises any disturbance of peace (fasad). (The Qur’an, 2:205). God is Gentle and loves gentleness in all things. (Bukhari and Muslim) God calls man to the Home of Peace. (The Qur’an, 10:25) Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Recompense (of Paradise) is for those who purify themselves. (The Qur’an, 20:76) Paradise For Positive People Through Islam and Peace Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Reconciliatory Approach Through Islam and Peace As regards the conciliatory versus the non- conciliatory approach, the Quran says: “for reconciliation in best.” (4: 128) Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Enemy Is a Potential Friend Through Islam and Peace ‘Repel evil with good. And he who is your enemy will become your dearest friend.” (The Qur’an, 41:33-34) Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Violence Versus Non-Violence Through Islam and Peace God grants to gentleness (rifq) what he does not grant to violence (unf). (Sunan Abu Dawud 4/255) Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Saving Instead of Killing Through Islam and Peace ‘Whoever killed a human being should be looked upon as though he had killed all mankind. And whoever saved a human being should be looked upon as though he saved all mankind (5:32),’ Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Unlimited Reward for Patience (Sabr) Through Islam and Peace Surely the patient will be paid their wages in full without measure. (The Qur’an, 39:10). Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
Through Islam and Peace None of you can be a believer unless he should desire for his fellow-man what he desires for himself. (Bukhari) Universal Principle Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
A Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Science, Jamia Hamdard, Sponsored Research Project. Research I Publish I Disseminate material on Islam and Peace. To participate: Fill Peace Questionnaire attached. Contact us at I Visit us at Islam and Peace Project Through Islam and Peace Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate
As-Salaam-o-Alaykum السلام عليكم Through Islam and Peace The Prophet enjoined believers wish peace on one another. Wishing Of Peace Islam and Peace Project Research I Publish I Disseminate