Forensic Science Natural fibers Plant & Animal
Plant: Animal: Linen (flax) & cotton Silk, hair, fur & wool Natural Fibers Forensic Science Plant: Linen (flax) & cotton Animal: Silk, hair, fur & wool
Cellulose Based Fibers Natural Fibers Forensic Science Cellulose Based Fibers Manufactured, but from natural fiber materials. - Rayon (1910) - Acetate (1924)
Whole Fabric Traits - Color - Texture - Weight Natural Fibers Forensic Science Whole Fabric Traits - Color - Texture - Weight
Fiber Analysis - Tests Absorbancy Test: does it absorb water or Natural Fibers Forensic Science Fiber Analysis - Tests Absorbancy Test: does it absorb water or repel it?
Fiber Analysis - Tests Burn Test: moves away from flame. Natural Fibers Forensic Science Fiber Analysis - Tests Burn Test: moves away from flame. smells like singed hair. burns to ash.
Fiber Analysis - Tests Elasticity Test: how much can it be stretched? Natural Fibers Forensic Science Fiber Analysis - Tests Elasticity Test: how much can it be stretched?
Hair, Fur & Wool Forensic Science Skin cross- section
Hair Cross-section Forensic Science
Hair Cross-section Forensic Science
Light Colored Hair Forensic Science
Medulla Patterns Forensic Science
Your Analysis? Forensic Science
Pigment Patterns Forensic Science
Pigment Patterns Forensic Science
Cuticle Forensic Science Scale Patterns
Scale Patterns Forensic Science
Your Analysis? Forensic Science Hair Analysis
Your Analysis? Forensic Science
Your Analysis? Forensic Science
Hair Root Patterns Forensic Science
Hair Root Patterns Forensic Science
Forensic Science Synthetic fibers
Man-made from petroleum products or other chemicals. Synthetic Fibers Forensic Science Man-made from petroleum products or other chemicals. No medulla or scale patterns.
Polyester (Dacron & Duroflex) Nylon (Polyamide) Acrylic Moire Synthetic Fibers Forensic Science Polyester (Dacron & Duroflex) Nylon (Polyamide) Acrylic Moire Polypropylene (Olefin)
Fiber Analysis Burn Test: - Will tend to melt. Synthetic Fibers Forensic Science Fiber Analysis Burn Test: - Will tend to melt. - Solidify when cooled. - Give off unpleasant odor. - Give off toxic vapor.
Submission Protocol Forensic Science FABRIC: When possible, submit the entire garment or textile. Submit fibers in clean paper or an envelope with sealed corners.
Submission Protocol Forensic Science HAIRS: Collect at least 25 known hairs from different parts of the head and/or pubic region. Comb and pull out the hairs. Submit hairs in clean paper or envelope with sealed corners.
Tape Tweezers Vacuum Undress Over Sheet Other? Collection Methods Forensic Science Tape Tweezers Vacuum Undress Over Sheet Other? Follicular Tag Synthetics Mass Spec Tape Lift
Hair & Fibers Forensic Science The End