International Business and Technology Consultants AMS confidential & proprietary Identification Security Meeting The New Challenge Barry Goleman American Management Systems, Inc. November 2001
AMS confidential & proprietary 2 The terrorist threat has put a renewed focus on Identification DMV identification documents are the most widely accepted form of identification for financial transactions and domestic travel States use various standards and source documents to establish identity prior to issuing a driver license/ID card Source (breeder) documents can be altered and/or counterfeited Counterfeit driver license/ID cards are easy to produce and are difficult to authenticate because of the number of different state documents in circulation and the variety of security features they contain
AMS confidential & proprietary 3 The Three Pillars of Secure Identification 1.Verify ‘breeder’ documents— Prevent the issuance of valid driver/identification cards by persons with counterfeit birth or immigration documents. 2.Issue secure ID—Driver and identification cards that comply with national standards and contain high security features including biometrics. 3.Authenticate—Visual and machine readable instant authentication of ID document and biometric.
AMS confidential & proprietary 4 Verify Breeder Documents 1.On-line access to ‘breeder’ document data: — SSN verification; — Passport and INS; — Employee data; and — Vital statistics data (birth and death certificates) 2.State-to-State exchange of driver and identification data: — Driver Record Information Verification System (DRIVerS); — The existing Commercial Driver License Information System (CDLIS) for commercial drivers. 3.A system of standard messages to connect inter- and intra-state identification databases.
AMS confidential & proprietary 5 Verifying Identification with Access to new sources of verification data Designed for fraud prevention in financial transactions Currently available, minimal set up Fee based—per transaction charges A means to verify questionable or out-of- state applicants Back office or on-line with applicant available to resolve questions
AMS confidential & proprietary 6 AAMVAnet or Other Secure IP Network VERIFY DMV Photo ID Workstation DMV System w/ Enhanced Search Capabilities Wage File Vital Statistics State 1 Intra State Network DRIVerS Federal ID Files CDLIS PDPS DMV Other State Networks ISSUE Verify AUTHENTICATE Airline Ticket Counter Facial Recognition Camera Handheld Authentication
AMS confidential & proprietary 7 Issue Secure Identification 1.Federal standards for issuance and document security 2.Central driver license issuance when documents cannot be verified on-line—issue temporary ‘driver’s license only’ 3.Privacy regulations to prevent unauthorized access to personal data 4.Plan for future Biometric Identifier — Thumb or hand geometry — Facial recognition — Retinal or iris scan
AMS confidential & proprietary 8 ISSUE National Standard Secure ID I D E N T I F I C A T I O N NAME ________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ STATE ____________________ZIP _______ SIGNATURE __________________________ I D E N T I F I C A T I O N Front Back 2D Barcode and Biometric Metalized Security Photo License Printer AUTHENTICATE VERIFY DMV Photo ID Workstation DMV System w/ Enhanced Search Capabilities Airline Ticket Counter Facial Recognition Camera Handheld Authentication Issue
AMS confidential & proprietary 9 Authenticate 1.ID documents must include easily recognizable high security features to prevent or detect counterfeiting 2.Standard Format and Data for all states 3.Card cannot be altered or color copied 4.Both, Optically visible elements that do not require additional hardware for verification; and 5.Possible ‘smart card’ chip, 2D barcode or other technology features for instant verification with handheld device.
AMS confidential & proprietary 10 Cardholder AUTHENTICATE Authenticate ISSUE VERIFY DMV Photo ID Workstation DMV System w/ Enhanced Search Capabilities Airline Ticket Counter Facial Recognition Camera Handheld Authentication
AMS confidential & proprietary 11 Intelli-Check authentication of licenses Authentication of out-of-state and Canadian licenses Machine readable features are more difficult to counterfeit ID-Check hardware device reads: — Magnetic stripes and barcodes (1D & 2D) — State and provincial driver licenses and identification cards — Military ID’s Add software to your own barcode reader stations Identification verification station equipped with Intelli-Check and Identicate access.
AMS confidential & proprietary 12 AUTHENTICATE ISSUE VERIFY DMV Photo ID Workstation DMV System w/ Enhanced Search Capabilities Other Files State Files Federal ID Files Secure IP Network Three Pillars—Verify, Issue, Authenticate Airline Ticket Counter Facial Recognition Camera Handheld Authentication
AMS confidential & proprietary 13 Richard Clarke Office of Homeland Security, cyberspace security adviser Questioned on National ID “…current government-issued identification, such as passports and driver licenses, should have the latest authentication and anti-tampering technologies.” San Francisco Chronicle Nov 8, 2001