Vocabulary Unit 7D pp
ADIEU (int.) Farewell! (n.) a farewell / goodbye I never leave a party without first thanking and saying my adieus to the host and hostess. Synonyms, including other languages? Antonyms?
ADVENT n. an arrival / coming into existence of a notable person, thing, or event The launch of MTV in the 1980’s marked the advent of the music video age. Synonyms? Antonyms?
APEX n. the top / highest point The apex of any Olympic athlete’s career is bringing home the gold. Synonyms? Antonyms?
BOGUS adj. false / counterfeit Con artists may carry bogus credentials or counterfeit money. Synonyms? Antonyms?
INTERIM (n.) the time between (adj.) temporary In the interim, I’ll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. Noun Synonyms? Adjective Synonyms?
MALIGN (v.) to speak evil of (adj.) evil In every school, there are gossips who are only too willing to malign their peers. S: (v.) badmouth (adj.) wicked A: (v.) praise (adj.) kind
MEANDER (v.) to wander about (n.) sharp turn / twist When I travel, I like to meander through unfamiliar towns and cities. S: (v.) ramble, roam Lombard Street in San Francisco
METROPOLIS (n.) a large city; the chief city of an area According to 2010 population statistics, Cincinnati is the 62nd largest metropolis in the U.S. S: megalopolis A: village Which metropolis is bigger: NYC or LA?
SPRIGHTLY (adj.) lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful Though Betty White is 90 years old, she is a sprightly and spirited actress. S: peppy A: morose
TIRADE (n.) a long, angry speech, usually very critical Parodies of Hitler ranting and raving were popular on You Tube a couple years back. S: diatribe