Knowing Our Enemy
To win we must know... Our enemy Ourselves The terrain “When planning a defense against a strong enemy, consider two things: 1 his most dangerous course of action 2 his most likely course of action” “When planning a defense against a strong enemy, consider two things: 1 his most dangerous course of action 2 his most likely course of action”
Terrorism Our enemy: unlike any other Weapons of... Mass destruction Mass murder Mass disruption Satan: adversary, enemy 1 K.11:14 Mt.4:10 (16:21-23)
I. Satan
1. Counterfeit whole worldRv.12:91 Jn.5.19 Trinity, Rv.16:13 Throne, 13:2 Worshippers, 13:4 Angels, Mt.25:41 Jesus, 2 Co.11:4 Ministers, 11:15 Apostles, 11:13 Angel, 11:14 Brethren, 11:26 Worship, 1 Co.10:20 Gospel, 2 Co.11:4
1. Counterfeit 2. Cunning Deceptive, not omniscient / omnipotent Gn.2:17; 3:1 Job 1:9 Jn.13:2, 27 } Hb.5:8; Jn.12:31-33 Ac.2:23; 4:27-28
1. Counterfeit 2. Cunning 3. Confusing The original con-artist Gn.3:1-5, words matter Ac.19:29, 32, in the dark Target: “whole world” (Rv.12:9); includes churches (Ja.3:16) 1 Co.14:33 “Why study words? NT is love letter” Ep.4:14
1. Counterfeit 2. Cunning 3. Confusing 4. Cruel, cold-blooded killer Jn.8:44 Brought death to “whole world” by misleading Eve… 1. Weapons of eternal destruction, 1 Pt. 5:8 (Zec.3:1) 2. Weapons of eternal death, Rv Weapons of spiritual disruption, Job
I. Satan II. Satan’s Strategy
1. Strategy against unbelievers Snatch away good seed, Lk.8:12 Mix error with truth, Mt.13:25-28 Gal.1:6-9 Prov.14:12 Blindness, 2 Co.4:4
1. Strategy against unbelievers Test case: Agrippa II (Ac.26) “Almost” – why? 1. Would admit his family is wrong? 2. Must give up immoral wife? 3. Embarrassed before Festus? 4. Embarrassed before noble friends? 5. Christians socially beneath him? 6. Fear persecution? 7. Cannot admit he is wrong?
1. Strategy against unbelievers 2. Strategy against believers ■ Destroy church, Mt.16:18-19; Ac.12 ■ Destroy church’s unity, Ac.6 ■ Destroy church’s doctrinal purity, Ac.15; Ja.3:17 A.D.70 – no judgment, resurrection, hell, etc. Emerging church [Lk.16]
1. Strategy against unbelievers 2. Strategy against believers ■ Destroy church, Mt.16:18-19; Ac.12 ■ Destroy church’s unity, Ac.6 ■ Destroy church’s doctrinal purity, Ac.15; Ja.3:17 ■ Destroy church’s moral purity, Ac.5
1. Strategy against unbelievers 2. Strategy against believers Satan’s helpers ■ Erosion of societal barriers ■ Typical view of morality: “a little better than the world” ▪ Judges – Ruth ▪ Rome – Ro.12:1-2 Influence of family Sound brethren God’s Word
Dt.6:24 WWI WWII “This is not your father’s generation”