Collaboration Proposal Proposed Interaction between CSDL and AAI With Narration by Nicholas J. Parks
Agenda The Ultimate Goal Getting to Know Each other What is the AAI? What is CSDL? What each organization brings to the Table How we could precede together What can we achieve
The Ultimate Goal It is hoped that the collaboration effort between the two organization does not just produce some scientific result or a product. Rather that the evolved system developed from the partnership provides a framework where more research with solid business cases can be explored and developed.
Getting to know each other What is the AAI The Alexandria Archive Institute “We focus on primary documentation of archaeological and related research” Has developed and fielded a generic data representation system
Getting to know each other More on AAI “The Alexandria Archive Institute helps preserve and promote our shared, global heritage by building open access, Internet- based resources for archaeology and world history. We work to fill the gaps of traditional publication by providing innovative digital services for sharing research. “ Eric C. Kansa PhD - Executive Director
Getting to know each other What is CSDL Center for the Study of Digital Libraries “A member of the global digital library research community, the Center provides a focal point for digital libraries research and technology for the State of Texas. Its mission is to foster pioneering research on the theory and application of digital libraries and to create flexible and efficient new technologies for their use. “ Has developed several digital library applications around the needs of several types of users
Getting to know each other More on CSDL “Digital libraries will be ubiquitous in the future and will provide the basis for a very broad set of distributed living activities including computer- supported cooperative work, distance learning, electronic commerce and entertainment. The transition to an electronic information workplace has already begun in full force. We believe that digital libraries will significantly impact the quality of education and, indeed, the quality of life over the next decade. “ Dr. Richard Furuta, Director
What does each Organization Bring to the Table AAI has demonstrated the viability of the ArcheoML representation solution with OCHRE and Open Context CSDL has developed several application in the humanities solution space. Also interactive workspace tools for K12 education Therefore…
What does each Organization Bring to the Table CSDL can use ArcheoML based infrastructure to power the information visualization tools AAI gets data visualization widgets from CSDL Open Context already provides view into ArcheoML data while CSDL can generate information aware visualization onto database content I hope everyone can see where I am going without writing a DOD “background paper”
How we could precede together I suggest that we all get in the same virtual room first. Therefore all the players know each other and so desired expectations can Technically, we need to figure out the best way to interface each other’s technology (that is in the other slide set) After we talk and begin discussing interfacing we will have more information to decide where (who) should develop interface pieces
What can we Achieve First, not duplicate effort on representation of non-standardized data Second, not duplicate effort on visualization of abstract concepts Third, resulting product (or product suite) can be deployed / shared with others without the kludge feeling that comes from an academic fielded solution
What we Can Achieve Depending on who you talk to.. Collaboration could lead to business (Humanities) intelligence tools for REAL people utilization and not just ACM portal fluff
Concluding… Therefore, I believe that there are real fruits to a collaboration between AAI and CSDL. We are both performing work in the Archaeology informatics solution space from different angles. I recommend that we all have a virtual meeting before January ends to see what each individual’s and organization’s expectations are