Physical Imaginative Inner Movement Transformation Adventure Development Challenge Change What Have We Covered?
Hero: The Hero is the central character, whose primary purpose is to separate from the ordinary world to answer a challenge or complete a quest. Mentor: The Mentor provides motivation, insights and training to help the Hero. Shadow: The Shadow can represent our darkest desires and greatest fears. The Hero's enemies often wear the Shadow mask. The shadow is determined to destroy the Hero and his cause. Trickster: Although they may not change during the course of their Journeys, their world and its inhabitants are transformed by their antics. The Trickster uses laughter and ridicule to make characters see the absurdity of the situation.
What Have We Covered? The Hero's Journey: Heroes are introduced in the ORDINARY WORLD, where they receive the CALL TO ADVENTURE. They are RELUCTANT at first or REFUSE THE CALL, but are encouraged by a MENTOR to CROSS THE THRESHOLD and enter the Special World, where they encounter TESTS, ALLIES, AND ENEMIES and endure the ORDEAL. They take possession of their REWARD and experience a RESURRECTION, they are transformed by the experience. They RETURN WITH THE ELIXIR to benefit the Ordinary World.
What Have We Covered? Dorothy's story - classic hero's journey Separation, descent and return: Dorothy is carried away to the threshold of adventure - the cyclone takes her to Oz She meets mentor Glinda; she is provided with talismans to aid and protect her on the journey - the ruby slippers She meets helpers - the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion She goes through a series of tests; she endures a supreme ordeal and triumphs -the episode with the Wicked Witch of the West She gains her reward - the trip back to Kansa).
What Have We Covered? Road Metaphor Intersections – life at a crossroads, decisions, what if’s Symbolizes a predetermined, mapped out path Implies time can move in both directions Cuts across the divide between nature and culture
What Have We Covered? The Road Not Taken - Frost Road metaphor Physical journey is symbolic of the inner journey Possibilities and choices Tone – Ambiguous Reflection
What Have We Covered? An Autobiography in Five Chapters - Nelson Road metaphor Reflection Deep hole – an abyss, darkness, down, a bad place, fear, hell Habit – addiction, unconscious, trained/practiced Responsibility, self-awareness, patterns, blame, choice I walk around it – avoidance Not my fault – blame Learning life’s lessons
What Have We Covered? Little Miss Sunshine Frank is beginning to find self-worth outside of the academic realm Richard’s realises that his attempt to help strangers has forced his disconnection from his own family Dwayne’s colour blindness forces him out of his self- imposed emotional exile and allows him to connect with the rest of the family, especially Frank Up until the dance, Sheryl has felt responsible for her family’s faults and fought to keep the family looking normal to the outside world