Using Web 2.0 Tools to Promote Critical Thinking in the Classroom KATIE DORR NOVEMBER 7, 2014 – AMLE CONFERENCE
Word Clouds Word Clouds can help students: & Identify the main idea Analyze character traits Analyze their own writing
Word Clouds – Comparing Documents Lincoln’s 2 nd Inaugural Speech 1865
Word Clouds – Making Connections between past and present Lincoln’s 2 nd Inaugural Speech 1865
Making your Images Come to Life Thinklink – Making Interactive Picture - Provide students with an opportunity to show their thinking visually as well as auditorially. Students can create links to websites and upload documents to support their analysis. Library of Congress Example
Interactive Maps Tripline - My Summer Travels Meograph
Formative and Summative Assessment Socrative – Quick and easy formative & summative assessment
What does the feedback look like?
Infographics as an Assessment Presentation Design - (infographics) Making Infographics – Infographs -
Other Resources to Check Out Private & Safe Classroom Blogs – Fun things with pictures – You can use this site to create trading cards, Magazine Covers, Motivational Posters, CD Cases and Many more Timeline Creator: Online Presentation Creator (Must use Chrome): Online Movie Creator (Educators are free and can sign up for 50 free student accounts: & 6 free sites for making your own comics: