Overhead Projectors, PowerPoint and Other Visual Aids
Visual Aids What are Visual Aids? Why do we use Visual Aids? How do we use Visual Aids? Using PowerPoint and Other Programs Summarize and conclude
What are Visual Aids? Medium of getting your message across Overhead Projectors Computer Projectors Flipcharts Whiteboards
Why Do We Use Visual Aids? Assists in preparation Highlights Key Points Increases Audience Retention Stimulate the Brain
How Do we use Visual Aids? Remember: “Your The Star” Minimize To Maximize Set-Up the Show Practice & Performance
Creating Slides One Idea Per Slide Six Lines Per Slide Six Words Per Line Heading to be at Least 36 Font Points to be at least 28 Font All Fonts Should be Sans Serif
Adding Impact to Slides Try Adding Different Colours Try Adding Pictures
Setting up your Visual Aid “Know The Aid” See the Screen Position at an Angle for use Test the Visual Aid Have a “Plan B”
Practice The 5 P’s “Walk the Talk”
Performance Talk to the Audience not to the Screen Don’t Point, Use a Pointer Hide future points Use frames to Stop Light Spillage Turn off when your on
PowerPoint All the Same rules apply plus Don’t use timers Minimize use of slide transitions Have a Backup & Test