schacht aslani architects P ENINSULA C OLLEGE business and humanities building predesign study Classroom Programming 2 May 2006
schacht aslani architects emerging trends classroom layout matrix teaching walls planning diagrams maier hall contents
schacht aslani architects emerging trends
adaptability open plan arrangements, flexible layout learning clusters collaborative learning, sense of belonging indoor courtyards sense of community, unstructured interaction, daylight comfort local control of lighting and temperature sustainability at the scale of the building
ubiquity of computing every classroom a SMART classroom computing component to every curriculum decreased need for computer infrastructure portable computers and wireless networks flexibility classrooms that support multiple modes of teaching and learning at the scale of the classroom
S hared M ultimedia A ccess to R esources for T eaching SMART classrooms Digital projector Instructor podium with computer CD/DVD player ELMO or DigiCam Projector Screen Sound System Wireless and Cable Network Connectivity
SMART classrooms multi-use classroom portable computers, instructor computer computer-assisted learning combines computers at perimeter with flexible furniture computer to student ratio 1:2 or less computer classrooms computer instruction and individual work computer to student ratio 1:1 types of classrooms at B&H
schacht aslani architects classroom layout matrix
SMART classroom Standard tables, digital projector, instructor’s podium, whiteboard on 3 walls lectures, media presentations, future laptop use
Computer Assisted Learning Moveable tables in center, fixed computer stations around perimeter, digital projector, instructor’s podium, whiteboard on 1 wall Collaborative learning, group projects, similar to existing D-215
Computer Classroom (Parallel) Fixed computer stations facing teaching wall, digital projector, instructor’s podium, whiteboard on 3 walls Computer classroom, open computer lab
Computer Classroom (Hybrid) Fixed computers, most at 90 degrees to teaching wall, digital projector, instructor’s podium, whiteboard on 1 wall Computer classroom, open lab, maximizes no. of stations in smaller spaces
Computer Classroom (Perpendicular) Fixed computers at 90 degrees to teaching wall, digital projector, instructor’s podium, whiteboard on 2 walls Computer classroom, open computer lab
Computer Lab Fixed computers in clusters, digital projector, instructor’s podium, whiteboard on 1 wall Open computer lab
schacht aslani architects teaching walls
schacht aslani architects planning diagrams
foreign language
professional technical programs
schacht aslani architects maier hall