Classroom Support and Instructional Technical Services (CSITS) Help Desk CSITS Help Desk: (248) Emergency: (248) or 911 Key user information: An instructional technology/audio visual (IT/AV) key (Z-4) is required to gain access to any general purpose classroom. Remote controls and accessory items are located in the instructor's desk drawer. Keys are available to OU faculty and staff and must be secured in person by presenting you faculty ID to CSITS staff in room 116 Varner Hall. The CSITS Help Desk can be reached at (248) to schedule a classroom technology orientation session. In case of medical or fire emergency, dial (248) or 911. Please turn off & secure all classroom IT/AV resources before leaving the room. To Begin: 1.Unlock the Media Cart with a Z4 key. 2.Turn the master power strip to the “ON” position. (See Figure 3.) 3. Turn the data projector on. Use the silver Sanyo remote control which is found in the drawer of the Media Cart. Point the remote at the data projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the pink “ON” button. (See Figure 1 & 6). Note : The volume control is on the speaker located on the desktop. This speaker must be turned on, by pressing the button labeled “POWER”. Note: All remote controls can be found in the drawer in the Media Cart. Universal Media Cart Figure 1 Auxiliary Video Operation: 1.Point the silver Sanyo projector remote at the projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the “Video” button. (See Figure 1.) 2.Press the button labeled “AUX” on the Audio/Visual Router, which is located in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) 3.Plug auxiliary device into the RCA jacks located on the side of the Media Cart. Classroom PC Operation: 1.Point the silver Sanyo projector remote at the projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the “Computer” button. (See Figure 1.) 2.Press the button labeled “Computer” on the document camera. (See Figure 4.) 3.Press the button labeled “COMP” on the Audio/Visual Router, which is located in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) 4.Turn on the computer by pressing the rocker switch labeled “POWER”, which is located on the computer, in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) Laptop Operation: 1.Point the silver Sanyo projector remote at the projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the “Computer” button. (See Figure 1.) 2.Press the button labeled “Laptop” on the document camera. (See Figure 4.) 3.Connect your laptop to the VGA and Network cables which are on the top of the Media Cart. (See Figure 5.) 4.It may be necessary to adjust the dual display settings on your laptop. DVD Operation: 1.Point the silver Sanyo projector remote at the projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the “Video” button. (See Figure 1.) 2.Press the button labeled “DVD” on the Audio/Visual Router, which is located in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) 3.Turn the DVD player on by pressing the button labeled “POWER”. The DVD player is located in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) 4.Insert your media, and press the “PLAY” button, located on the DVD player. VCR Operation: 1.Point the silver Sanyo projector remote at the projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the “Video” button. (See Figure 1.) 2.Press the button labeled “VHS” on the Audio/Visual Router, which is located in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) 3.Turn the VCR player on by pressing the button labeled “POWER”. The VCR player is located in the Media Cart. (See Figure 3.) 4.Insert your media, and press the “PLAY” button, located on the VCR. Document Camera Operation: 1.Point the silver Sanyo projector remote at the projector, which is located on the ceiling, and press the “Computer” button. (See Figure 1.) 2.Turn the document camera on. (See Figure 2.) Figure 2 Figure 3 Master Power Strip DVD Player VHS Player PC Audio/Visual Router Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6