Teaching HyperAtlas at “C. Negruzzi” High School Current state of project implementation ESPON on the Road HyperAtlas at school 2nd Meeting - Friday, 9 May 2014 UMS RIATE, Paris
“Costache Negruzzi” High School, Iai, Romania ( Where? Infrastructure -1 computer for each student - computer labs available have between 15 and 20 computers - teachers agreed on installing the software to record screen movements HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi
When? 22 nd of May 2014: two courses and 11.00– rd of May 2014: two courses and 11.00– The teachers proposed to include the courses as part of a special week called “ScienceWeek 2014” (organised by themselves every year as an extra-curricular activity) HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi
Who will be involved? Simona IANCU – geography teacher at “Costache Negruzzi” High School Florin IANCU - geography teacher at “Costache Negruzzi” High School Students profile: -15 – 20 students from grade 9 to grade 12 - between 15 and 18 years old - students willingly to participate and interested in geography - different curricular background: -Grade 9: Physical Geography -Grade 10: Human Geography -Grade 11: Environmental Geography -Grade 12: The Geography of Romania and The Geography of the European Union HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Teachers:
Students general knowledge background: Good knowledgePoor knowledge Knowledge of EU countries / regions General level of development of countries + main particular aspects Mathematical skills European NUTS system Concepts related to territorial disparities History of European territorial disparities Using relative and absolute indicators Statistical concepts Spatial analysis methods HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi
Didactical dilemma: or? Is the main objective: Explaining the complex concept of disparities at the end while reviewing all the steps accomplished Explaining what territorial disparities mean, their factors, their history etc. Explaining how to evaluate them, what indicators to use and all related technical and statistical aspects Analysing territorial disparities in EU – a thematical approach (the four indicators) Analysing territorial disparities in EU – a synthetical approach using spatial analysis Explaining the complex concept of disparities at the beginning from a theoretical perspective explaining disparties From theory to practice Not using hyper atlas during the first course doing spatial analysis Starting by explaining what maps hide (indicators, type of indicators, geometries etc) Mapping the simplest indicator and identifying territorial differences Creating more complex indicators (relative and synthetic indicators) and continuing mapping to analyse differences Understanding that what we have done is actually searching territorial disparities. Explaining disparities to discover disparities From empirical work and observations to theory Using hyper atlas all the time HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Focus on explaining territorial disparities Focus on doing spatial analysis
Learning targets: Time needed: Understanding basic methods of spatial analysis Using HyperAtlas for doing spatial analysis Develop the ability to identify territorial disparities / fractures HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi 4 courses of 50 minutes each
HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Complexity of spatial analysis Complexity of indicators Indicators maped Course n o 1: What do maps hide and how to create them ? Basic (Learn to use Hyperatlas to map simple indicators; they will analyse the map in a classical manner) Basic (students create a digital map for the first time using the simplest indicator) Life expectancy Course n o 2: Creating indexes and mapping them to identify territorial differences Medium (Analysing maps by doing spatial analysis unconsciously) Medium (students learn about main types of indicators and how to create a relative ind) GDP/inh. Homeworkmedium % of pop. with higher ed Unemployment rate Course n o 3: Creating complex indexes and mapping them to identify territorial differences Medium (Analysing maps by doing spatial analysis consciously) High (students learn about Regional Human Development Index) Regional Human Development Index Course n o 4: Understanding and explaining territorial disparities High (synthesising disparities seen on different scales; Passing from practical analysis to conceptualisation) - Basic, medium and high Reviewing all if necessary
Course n o 1 What do maps hide and how to create them? Min.ActivityWhat teacher does ?What students do?Materials 0-5IntroductionPresents purpose of the course and the general context of its implementation Listen Asking questions presentation portfolio for each student ? HyperAtlas on a CD? 5-12Presenting the main technical secrets of a map Explains what is needed to create a cartogram (geometries, data) Listen Asking questions Projector Laptop 12-20Presenting HyperAtlas as a software with geometries and data Explains general purpose of the softweare showing its main functionalities (the very basics) Open the software to get used to it Doing the same the teacher does Projector Laptop Computers 20-37Mapping life expectancy at regional level Explains all the step to map the indicators Follow all the steps the teacher shows Projector Laptop Computers 37-45Identifying territorial differences Explains how to search territorial differences at different scales Shows an example Search for territorial differences Draw territorial fractures on a blank map of EU Projector Laptop Computers Printed blank Maps 45-50Explaining territorial differences Asks for explanations Offers explanations Offer explanationsProjector Laptop HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi
Course n o 2 Creating indexes and mapping them to identify territorial differences HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Min.ActivityWhat teacher does ?What students do?Materials 0-1Introductionreviewing the activities covered and linking them to coming activities Listen Asking questions Projector Laptop 1-15Explaining each of the 9 indicators given Asks students to explain indicators in case they know Explains the indicators Write down the definition of each indicator (if necessary) Projector Laptop Computers 15-20Types of indicatorsPresenting the difference between absolute and relative indicators Explains how to create relative indicators (general rules) Listen Asking questions Offering examples Projector Laptop 20-23Creating the first relative indicator: GDP/inh. Explains all the step to map the indicator Follow the steps the teacher shows Projector Laptop Computers 23-30Identifying territorial differences (without spatial analysis) Asks for examples (which should be identified as we did during the first course) Search for territorial differences Drawing territorial fractures on a blank map Projector Laptop Computers Printed blank Maps 30-45Identifying territorial differences (doing spatial analysis without saying it)) Explains and shows how to use hyper atlas to compare regions within their European, national and local context (5 min each) Follow the steps the teacher shows Asking questions Projector Laptop 45-50Explaining what spatial analysis is Explains what spatial analysis isListen Asking questions Present their opinion Projector Laptop
End of the first day HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi - Give students Hyper Atlas to discover themselves the remaining 2 indicators: 1. Percentage of population with higher education 2. Unemployment rate -Give each student one blank map to mark territorial disparities for these 2 indicators
Course n o 3 Creating complex indexes and mapping them to identify territorial differences HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Min.ActivityWhat teacher does ?What students do?Materials 0-1Introductionreviewing the activities covered and linking them to coming activities Listen Ask questions Projector Laptop 1-11Discussing territorial differences the students have identified for the remaining 2 indicators Maps the first indicator; Asks for examples and explanations The same for the second indicator Present their findings Ask for additional explanations Projector Laptop Blank Maps they have drawn home 11-14Defining what is a complex indicator Explains what is a complex indicator Asks and offers examples Listen Offer examples Ask questions Projector Laptop 14-20Defining Regional Human Development Index Defines Regional Human Development Index Listen Ask questions 20-35Creation of a complex/ synthetic indicator (statistical aspects) Shows in an excel file all the steps required to calculate Regional Human Development Index,explaining the importance of each step They fallow the steps Ask questions Projector Laptop Computers 35-37Mapping RHDIAssisting studentsMap the indicatorProjector, Laptop Computers 37-50Identifying territorial differences (doing spatial analysis consciously) Assisting studentscompare regions within their European, national and local context; Drawing territorial fractures on blank maps Projector Laptop Computers Printed blank Maps
Course n o 4 Understanding and explaining territorial disparities (Concluding session) HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Min.ActivityWhat teacher does ?What students do?Materials 0-1Introductionreviewing the activities covered and linking them to coming activities Listen Ask questions Projector Laptop 1-7Concepts of territorial disparities and inequalities Defines the concepts calling upon the recent acquired knowledge Listen Ask questions Projector, laptop, maps drawn during the first 3 courses 7-20Territorial disparities and inequalities within EU - EU level Defines and explains territorial disparities within EU – EU level (using HyperAtlas) Offer examples and explanations (using HyperAtlas) Ask questions Projector, laptop, maps drawn during the first 3 courses 20-30Territorial disparities and inequalities within EU - National level Defines and explains territorial disparities within EU – National level (using HyperAtlas) Offer examples and explanations Ask questions Projector, laptop, maps drawn during the first 3 courses 30-40Territorial disparities and inequalities within EU Local level Defines sand explains territorial disparities within EU – EU level (using HyperAtlas) Offer examples and explanations Ask questions Projector, laptop, maps drawn during the first 3 courses 40-50ConclusionsDiscussing social, political and financial implication of territorial disparities
HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Resources needed: one computer lab ( ~ 20 places) projector, laptop 100 printed blank maps portfolio for two teachers (including a Hyper Atlas tutorial and a short presentation of ESPON projects) portfolio for each student (including a short writen HyperAtlas tutorial and a separate page containing definitions for main concepts used: territorial disparities and inequalities, spatial analysis, relative and absolute indicators etc.)
HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Potential difficultiesPossible solutions Students not attending all the courses offering a diploma to stimulate them dynamic, interactive activities Students not understanding the statistical details behind the Regional Human Development Index explaining the indicator as it is, without presenting the statistical details Not enough time to analyse the evolution of territorial disparities during classes giving Hyper Atlas to studens (by or by offering CDs) and encourage them to use it at home
HyperAtlas at schoolUniversity Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi Thank you for your attention! Romanian ESPON Coordination Point University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iaşi Faculty of Geography and Geology Departament of Geography ROMÂNIA, RO, Iaşi, Bulevardul Carol I nr. 20 A T: