DISTRICT STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic Goal: Design, implement, and support efficient and effective instructional systems that ensure students attain the essential knowledge and skills required for college and career readiness. Curriculum Goal #4:Improve instructional practice by expanding the use of emerging technologies for staff and students. Action : Provide training opportunities for staff on how to find, use, manage, and integrate digital content and software applications to improve students’ critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills.
Expected Outcomes This cohort and system of classes: Creates a professional learning community that fosters collaboration between teachers and implements a vision of digital and problem-based learning in our classrooms Fosters educational technology leadership teams at schools Gives teachers the six credits needed for recertification in 5 years Gives a certificate of completion Allows teachers to add to resume Accommodates up to 20 teachers first year
Other Details Developed around the iste nets*iste nets Classes can be taken out of order but teacher needs to stay in same level until they are finished with that level. Example: Intermediate before Advanced Beginning class would be optional All classes would be a minimum of 15 hours Working with NNU to develop program Librarians are encouraged to take the class with a group of teachers Several classes going yearly. Need to be part of district PD Plan
Basic Class: I credit **Not required (only if needed) File management, MS Office, doc camera, projector, what is a blog, a podcast, apps. What does digital-age teaching look like? What are the iste nets? Intermediate Classes: 2 credits with Cohort Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Advanced Classes: 3 credits Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Model Digital Age Work and Learning Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Present to others
Beginning Class File ManagementBasics on Digital ContentHardware and Software Basics
Teachers will decide whether or not to take this first class File Management: 1 hour Basics of Word: 1.5 hours Basics of Excel: 1.5 hours Basics of PowerPoint: 1 hour Image manipulation: 1 hour Document Camera and Projector basics- 1 hour Mobile Device Management: 1 hour Digital Streaming Basics: 2 hours Library Database Basics: 2 hours Basics of what digital tools are: 3 hours What is Web 2.0? What is a blog? What is a podcast? What does Digital Teaching look like? What are the ISTE Nets? Why is digital important?
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning Digital Presence Why Digital Learning--ISTE, SAMR, etc. Podcasting
Class outline: To be discussed and reviewed in each class Kids learn by doing, and they learn best by doing things with others and in similar ways to what society is doing (real-world and collaborative) ISTE Standards SAMR Model Authentic Learning Assessment techniques for digital assignments Rubric ideas Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning
Podcasts Assignment: Teacher creates one, integrates the program into a lesson with students doing, assesses program and reflects on lesson (same pattern in each class) Digital Presence Assignment: Create a web presence: can be as simple as Edmodo, integrate blogging into a lesson, assess student work on blog and reflect on lesson Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning
Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Online Streaming Presentation Tools Online Resources
Review Presentation Movie Online Resources Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Demonstrate fluency in technology and work process and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations Collaborate with peers, students, parents, and parents using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation Model and facilitate effective use of emerging and current tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning
Review ISTE, SAMR, etc. Online Streaming Sources Presentation Tools Online Resources Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Advocate, model and teach safe, ethical, legal use of digital information and technology Find ways to provide equitable digital access to digital tools and resources Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students in different countries
Review ISTE, SAMR, etc. What is Digital Citizenship Ethical use of digital information Equitable Access Digital Etiquette Cultural Understanding Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Participate in learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning
Present at Tools for Learning Expo Present to Administration Present to Community Groups Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Class outline: To be discussed and reviewed in each class Kids learn by doing, and they learn best by doing things with others and in similar ways to what society is doing (real-world and collaborative) ISTE Standards SAMR Model Authentic Learning Assessment techniques for digital assignments Rubric ideas Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning
Class One: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning ISTE Standard Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face- to-face and virtual environments. a) Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness b) Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources c) Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes d) Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments
Talk Time: One question per group What do you do in your classroom presently to promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness? What do you do that engages students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources? What do you do that promotes student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes? What do you do that models collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments?
Three Rules to spark learning
Social Constructivist Theory Kids learn by doing, and they learn best by doing things with others and in similar ways to what society is doing (real-world and collaborative) Constructivist Learning (4:45) Constructivist Learning Talk time: How does this look in the classroom?
Schema We connect each bit of learning to what we already know, like a web. This is why differentiation is so important, because not all learners have the same connection points on the web or "anchors" for attachment of new info, that’s why most info is left unconnected in a one-size-fits-all classroom... Schema Theory Example (2:21) Schema Theory Example Talk Time- how do you do this in your classroom?
SAMR Model Toolbox- Links to SAMR Model Starbucks Talk- Discuss parts of the SAMR Model in groups SAMR: A Brief Introduction Technology is Learning SAMR Prezi Schrock Blooms and SAMR SAMR PPT Digital Strategies- how do we deepen and strengthen these instructional strategies Digital Strategies- how do we deepen and strengthen these instructional strategies SAMR Google Doc
Authentic Instruction
How do we assess this? LearningAssessing
Talk Time: How will you assess this kind of learning? Look at website with rubrics- give input in 10 min of how you will assess How do you give structure to the classroom?
Podcasting What is a Podcast? An audio blog Why we do not want to tell you the site to use
Kathy Schrock- Podcasting Podcasting in the Classroom Educational podcasting Educational podcasting guide Podcasting in education Using iPods in the early childhood classroom Educational podcasting Educational podcasting guide Podcasting in education Using iPods in the early childhood classroom Podcasting in and out of the classroom Creating podcasts with your students Benefits of podcasting in the classroom Sample Podcast: Target Sample Podcast: Podcasts
Podcasting sites NPR Podcasts for Education LabOut Loud- Science Podcasts 50 Educational Podcasts iTunes Podcast Ideas Use a mobile device to have young students make a podcast of their reading or writing - Have them listen to themselves and critique their reading or writing
How to integrate? Students interview relatives about their life histories, and then combine the audio interview with family photos in a video project. Students write a radio drama based on a historical event and record their show (complete with commercials). Students learn about a different country by interviewing a recent traveler. They record the interview and then create a digital travel album. Students create a faux advertising campaign to convince immigrants to settle the new American colonies. Students use audio recording to interview sources for articles for a class newspaper. Students write and record short stories and add music and sound effects. Teacher records a tutorial that students listen to on their own Present student writing through a class radio drama or a poetry slam. Teacher records and broadcasts group discussions. Teachers might record students reading a story as a fluency assessment, or as a foreign language pronunciation activity. On a field trip, students use an iPod with a voice recorder to take notes and a digital camera to take photos. They then create a guided tour in iMovie.
Make a Podcast Lets look at site: Vocaroo: Record MP3- Send link to a partner in the class Can put on website Can use phone, iPad, any device- even a recorder if needed
Podcasts Assignment: Teacher does one, integrate the program into a lesson with students doing, assess program- reflect on lesson (same pattern in each class) Digital Presence Assignment: Make a web presence- can be as simple as Edmodo, integrate blogging into a lesson, assess student work on blog- reflect on lesson Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning
Rest of the Class Schoolwires Friday 8-11 Wed 12:30-3:30 (Worktime with Schoolwires) 8-14 Blog via Schoology 8-28 Blog via Schoology Schoology Login: ( and use the access code KGHQX-G22ZC