Your Name Your Affiliation
Title of Symposium presentation VDAT2015 Title of Symposium presentation your name/affiliation
Audio Visual Guidelines VDAT2015 Audio Visual Guidelines Introduction Electronic projection Presentation Installation Confidentiality Form considerations Slide Format Rules Font Size Rule Choice of templates Colours Tips your name/affiliation
VDAT2015 Introduction Your written paper is available to your audience prior to your presentation. It presents your contribution in detail Many of those in the audience will have already read or glanced through your paper. Please bring an electronic copy of your presentation to the VDAT Symposia. Your presentation to the audience should be more statistical and less formal. your name/affiliation
Electronic Projection VDAT2015 Electronic Projection Electronic projection will be used for all technical papers. Video projector connected to a laptop will run the following software: Microsoft Windows 7/8, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, and Adobe Reader Version XI. Presentation slides must be provided in either PowerPoint or PDF format. Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation is recommended for the following reasons: Widely available and well equipped to convert between various formats. Embedded Audio and Video support. your name/affiliation
Presentation Installation Procedure VDAT2015 Presentation Installation Procedure There will be pre-conference slide upload procedure for VDAT – 2015. Preferably, you are required to mail your presentation to one day prior to symposium starts. Absolutely no uploading of presentations will be permitted on the day of a session. There will be technicians available to guide you in case of any trouble. Using your own laptop or mobile phone for the presentation is NOT ALLOWED. your name/affiliation
VDAT2015 Confidentiality The content of electronic presentations is assumed to be placed in the public domain at the time of the VDAT Symposia. However, we will make reasonable attempts to delete all electronic files from the VDAT Symposia computers after the presentations are completed. Selected Paper may get published. your name/affiliation
VDAT2015 Slide Format Rules All the Authors have to use the given template at the website. Text, lines, and shape outlines must be dark. Text fonts must be appropriate for screen display. Recommended font: Bookman Old Style. Reasonable alternatives include: Arial and Verdana. your name/affiliation
Font Size Rules Title font size must be ≥ 32 pt. VDAT2015 Font Size Rules Title font size must be ≥ 32 pt. Primary text font size must be ≥ 28 pt. Secondary text font size must be ≥ 24 pt. All other text font size should be ≥ 24 pt, unless a smaller font is absolutely necessary. Font sizes (including labels on diagrams & graphs) must always be ≥ 20 pt. your name/affiliation
Choice of Templates VDAT2015 Mandatory to use the given VDAT presentation template . Well suited for the possible publication on WWW. your name/affiliation
VDAT2015 Colours Try to use only the 8 colours of the colour scheme. They are the only ones that convert for black and white printing. The distinction between blue and red for text and thin lines is especially weak. Red filled-in objects (circles, rectangles, etc.) with white text are well-suited for highlighting important text. your name/affiliation
VDAT2015 Tips Stick with one transition effect throughout the presentation. For illustrations, make all lines, numbers, and captions of sufficient thickness and size so that they are projected clearly. Use duplicate copies of slides that will be used more than once during the presentation. Do not plan to move back to previously shown slides during the presentation. For slides with text only, use no more than 30 words per slide and no more than 6 lines of text per slide. your name/affiliation
VDAT2015 Thanks! your name/affiliation