One Month to Guatemala Orientation for TIC Americas Finalists
OBJECTIVES 1. International Visibility TIC Americas 2013 Expo with presence by Media, Partners, Government Officials and International Guests 2. Business Development Entrepreneurship Clinics 3. Seed Capital & Investment Award Ceremony, Networking
EN ROUTE TO THE FINALS 1. Follow up with finalists 2. Logistics Travel, Accommodation, Expo Set Up 3. Finals agenda Presentation to the judges, Plenary and Networking sessions, Awards Ceremony 4. Tips General tips
FOLLOW UP Advice to improve your presentations and share tips for the finals - Ongoing through May, Coaching will be provided by local specialists.
LOGISTICS a.Travel - Electronic Tickets will be sent 2 weeks prior to the finals - Be at the airport 3 hours prior to your flight - Take travel documents with you (Passport) - Bring the Notification Letter provided by YABT - Identify a YABT rep. at the airport in Guatemala - Round transportation Airport-Antigua is included
LOGISTICS b. Accommodation - Hotel Soleil Antigua - Shared room with another finalists (same gender) - Additional team members travelling please notify the YABT team no later than May 15 th
LOGISTICS c. Booth Set Up - 1 table (approx 1x1.75 m) - 1 banner with the Team Name (1x2 m) - 2 chairs - Power suppliers (110 V) - WiFi
-Arrivals all day -Booth set-up all day -Welcome session for finalists - Agenda briefing (TBA) AGENDA June 1
June 2 June 3 AGENDA - Inauguration - Expo Tour (Judges) - Evaluations for T&I finalists (English) - Plenary sessions - Official Opening Ceremony - Opening - Expo Tour (Judges) - Evaluations for EC & TG finalists EC (English/Spanish/Portuguese) TG (Spanish) - Elevator Pitch presentations - Youth Dialogue - VIPs and Media Expo Tour - Closing and Awards Ceremony
5 min - Team set-up and business plan distribution 10 min - Judges review Project Plans 10 min - Presentation of Project Plan, starting with EP 3 min - Promotional Video/Materials 10 min - Q&A Session 38 min A maximum of 2 members Laptop, projector, screen and wifi AGENDA
June 4 -Departures -Transportation Antigua-Airport is included -Each participant is responsible to be at the boarding gate on time -Make sure to pack all your belongings AGENDA
Can I go with my family or friend? Yes, they can accompany you to the activities open to the public: the Expo and the Plenary Sessions. Note: YABT will not cover costs, additional team member must come up with own means to cover all associated expenses. Can I share the hotel room with another member of my team? You will be staying in a shared room with another finalist (same gender). In the Participants Manual you will find information regarding accomodation options in Antigua, Guatemala. Please advise YABT staff if other team members will be accompanying you. Frequently Asked Questions
Can I change the itinerary of my flight? YABT will not cover any expenses incurred in relation to itinerary changes. Remember, your participation is required from June 1-4, Should I print extra copies of my business plan? You will require 5 copies of your business plan for the evaluations. We recommend that you bring extra copies for the Expo, but exercise caution regarding distribution and intellectual property. Frequently Asked Questions
Production Line Tips
Attire Tips
Infographs Tips
Technical Presentation Tips
Visual support Tips
Packaging Tips
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