Integrating Technology into the Art Classroom Diane C. Gregory, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Art Education Coordinator of Undergraduate & Graduate Programs in Art Education ArtEdOnlineCafe: LinkedIn Group
1 Vision for integrating technology: What can integrating technology look like? 2 Promising Approaches and strategies for Integrating Technology in the 21st Century 3 Integrating Technology: where to start 4 Real World Challenges: Discussion Integrating Technology into the Art Classroom Outline
1 Vision for integrating technology: What can integrating technology look like?
Dryden Elementary Art Program & Tricia Fuglestad
1 Vision for integrating technology: What can integrating technology look like?
1 Vision for integrating technology: What can integrating technology look like? What is your VISION?
2 Promising Approaches and strategies for Integrating Technology in the 21st Century Promising Student Centered Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Approaches in Art Education Big Ideas, Enduring or Essential Questions and Meaning Interdisciplinary curriculum: Making Connections Visual Culture, Visual Literature, Media Literacy, Media Arts Choice-Based Art Education DBAE Promising Student Centered Teaching and Learning Strategies Project Based Learning Problem-Solving Cooperative Learning Collaborative Learning
2 Promising Approaches and strategies for Integrating Technology in the 21st Century If your class has an interactive whiteboard and projector: Try interactive websites such as BrainPOP.BrainPOP Dig in to Scholastic's whiteboard activities page.Scholastic's whiteboard activities page Show online videos related to the lessons. Check out the native software that came with the board. Use the videoconferencing tool Skype to connect beyond the classroom.Skype
If there is only one computer in your room: Assign one student to be the class scribe and take notes. Start a collaborative class blog. Kidblog or Check out the Skype website.Skype Try Voicethread, a collaborative multimedia conversation tool.Voicethread Curate resources for students via a Livebinder.Livebinder Build a Google Site to house class content.Google Site Encourage skills practice, research, or the creation of collaborative stories using Google Docs.Google Docs Record Screencasts for providing onscreen instruction.Screencasts 2 Promising Approaches and strategies for Integrating Technology in the 21st Century
If you have a pod of three to five computers in the classroom or access to a library with a pod of computers: Encourage individual student blogging using WordPress or Kidblog.Kidblog Have students create digital stories using Voicethread.Voicethread Explore student-created multimedia presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Docs.PreziGoogle Docs Use Edmodo, Schoology, or Moodle to manage course content, assignments, and assessments.EdmodoSchoologyMoodle Have students make videos using Windows Movie Maker or Animoto.Windows Movie MakerAnimoto Build websites with students using Weebly or Wikispaces.WeeblyWikispaces 2 Promising Approaches and strategies for Integrating Technology in the 21st Century
If you have access to a laptop or iPad cart or a computer lab: Enable students to work through course content at their own pace through the use of screencasts, e-books, and other digital media. Use Poll Everywhere or Socrative to poll students.Poll EverywhereSocrative Start live class discussions with TodaysMeet.TodaysMeet Explore enhanced digital note taking with Evernote.Evernote
3 Integrating Technology: where to start? Embrace Change Gain Support: Administration, Colleagues, Parents, Community, Friends, Mentors Observe others Professional Development: Contemporary Art, technology tools, TPACK, Student Centered Learning, Visual Culture, Digital Art, Social Networking Enlist the help of technology savvy students Realize students know how to use technology for gaming, entertainment, social networking, etc., but may not know how to learn with technology.
4 Real World Challenges: Discussion What are some challenges you have? What solutions might you have? What are some questions you have? What would you like to share?