SchoolPad Introduction Presented By: Bucky Payton Harry Whitehead At Nansemond River High School Tuesday November 10, :30 to 3:00
TIPS TO REMEMBER 1)Do NOT turn off your monitor for any reason. It will go to sleep after a period of inactivity. If you turn your computer on with the monitor off, the projector could become your main display. This will cause multiple major issues later on. 2)If you turn the SchoolPad on BEFORE you log into the computer, it should connect with the computer automatically.
3)The pad and pen should be good for about 40 hours of wireless operation when fully charged. That means that charging it over night once a week should be plenty. 4)Make certain that the pen is fully seated when charging. It will not charge otherwise. 5)The best way to get used to using the pen is to PRACTICE. Play a game or two of Solitaire to get used to dragging and dropping.
6)The button on the pen serves two purposes. A)Pressing the bottom of the button while hovering over an icon is the same as a double-click on that icon. B)Pressing the top of the button while hovering over an icon is the same as a right-click.
7)You do not have to create any new files to use the InterWrite or the SchoolPad. Simply open InterWrite and the file. Use the InterWrite menu bar to select what you want to do with the file. InterWrite will create a copy of your file in InterWrite, so you are not changing your original file.
8)You can download the InterWrite software to your home computer for free. The site is: ftware.php ftware.php The install key is: ANAT IK8 K51 9)Have FUN!!! EXPERIMENT!!! Be BRAVE!!! The only limit is your imagination!!
Connecting Your Computer to Your Projector Right-click on your desktop and select “ATI Catalyst Control Center”.
2. Basic should be selected. Click on Next 3. At the next screen, click on “Go”.
4. Click in the circle beside “Analog Monitor”. Click Next. 5. Click in the circle beside “Clone”. Click Next.
6.Click “Yes”. Click “Finish”. You should see your desktop on your wall screen. 7.Please TURN OFF your projector when you are not using it. The bulbs are very expensive. 8.Mrs. Patterson has the remote to your projector. Bring your pad to her so that she can scan the bar code into her inventory, and she will give you a remote. The remote will make it much easier to turn your projector on and off.
Establishing a Connection to the SchoolPad 1. Click on the eInstruction icon in the system tray located in the bottom right hand corner of the monitor. 2.Click on eInstruction Device Manager.
You will see the pad in the box when you open the Device Manager. If the pad is not connected, it will have a red X on it. If it is connected, it will have a green check mark on it. You can toggle between connecting and disconnecting the pad by right-clicking on the pad icon.
3. If the pad icon has a green checkmark, but it doesn’t interact with the computer, try disconnecting it and then re-connecting it. 4.A connection may also be established by taking the pen and placing it in the middle dot on the SchoolPad (right above the writing surface).
How the InterWrite software works 1.The only visible sign that the software is open is the menu bar. 2.This software works with any type of file. In short, if you can get it on the screen, you can use the InterWrite software with it. 3.The major tools that you will want to use are: The pen, highlighter, eraser and line tools. The Gallery The Toolbox options, including: The capture tool. The image pages.
Menu Bar 1
Menu Bar 2
Toolbox Menu
Choose and/or create pen color Set line thickness Set line transparency Choose line ends Choose line style (solid, dotted, dashed, etc.) Using the Pen Tool
Choose and/or create highlighter color Set highlighter drawing style Freehand, box, or oval Set highlighter transparency Using the Highlighter Tool
Using the Eraser Tool Use the slider to change eraser size: You can erase very finely or very broadly.
Using the Line Tool Select Line tool from the menu bar. Click where you want your line to begin. Drag mouse to where you want your line to end and release the mouse button. You now have a straight line. You can use the same menus for formatting your line as you use with the pen.
Using the Gallery Select Gallery from the menu bar. If you have not already built your Gallery database, you will need to do so. This could take up to 5 minutes.
Using the Gallery Select the subject area When you find a gallery you want to view, drag it onto an empty page in InterWrite. The Gallery will load. The Lessons category is full of InterWrite files created by teachers for teachers, in all subject areas. Be sure to spend time looking through these; some are pretty good.
Using the Toolbox The Toolbox opens up a plethora of pretty awesome tools My favorites are the capture tool and creating image pages.
Using the Capture Tool First, get whatever image it is that you wish to capture on your screen. This can be ANYTHING that you can get onto your screen, including paused video images. Secondly, select Toolbox from the InterWrite menu. Select Capture (Camera icon) from the list that will appear. You can choose to capture partial, window, or screen. You can also choose to have your image appear on a new page in InterWrite.
Using the Capture Tool Third, draw a box around whatever it is you wish to capture. Voila!! The image is now in InterWrite, ready to be used. You can also copy and paste the image into any of the Office programs for use there, if you desire. Select image, and use the keyboard short-cuts copy it, then paste into file. Ctrl+C to copy, and Ctrl+V to paste.
Creating Image Pages Image pages are very useful because the image is part of the background and cannot be moved, altered, or erased. It CAN be written on, circled, and otherwise marked. Again, click on Toolbox. Select “Create Image Page” The list is extensive. Everything from basketball courts to periodic tables, to x-y axis graphs.
Creating Image Pages Also, you can use any picture that you want to use to make your own image page. Simply browse to your picture, and use it to create an image page.
Putting it Together Why not use the capture tool to get selected SOL released item test questions, and then use the questions as the background on an image page?!? This is GREAT for review!! Or, use the capture tool to grab a cool map of the Battle of Gettysburg, and then create an image page to use while discussing the battle. Of course, you could find a nice, clear food pyramid online, capture it, and use it to create an image page. Again, YOUR IMAGINATION is the ONLY limit!!!!!