3D + 2D TV 3D Displays with No Ghosting for Viewers Without Glasses Steven Scher Jing Liu Rajan Vaish Prabath Gunawardane James Davis University of California Santa Cruz SIGGRAPH 2013
Standard 3D TV
3D+2DTV Prototype
Third, Inverted Image
Related Work Projecting onto a Non-Uniform Surface Minimizing disparity Autostereoscopic Displays Didyk 2011 Dodgson 2005 Grossberg 2004
Theory Experiments Prototype
Standard 3DTV L L R R R R As Seen Without Stereo Glasses L L L R R R Same for Both Eyes 2D 3D Time L + R
3D+2DTV L L As Seen Without Stereo Glasses L L L R R R L L L R R R Same for Both Eyes Time 2D 3D 3D+2D L + R+(1-R)
3D+2DTV L L As Seen Without Stereo Glasses L L L R R R Time 3D+2D L L L R R R L + α R [R+(1-R)] Dimmer
3D+2DTV As Seen Without Stereo Glasses L L L R R R Time 3D+2D L L L R R R Dimmer Variable-Length L L L L L R L L L + α R [R+(1-R)]
3D+2DTV Time Variable-Length L L L L L R L + α R [R+(1-R)] αR=αR= Brightness of Right Stereo Image Brightness of Left Stereo Image
Darkest and Brightest Pixel of 2D Image Darkest Pixel Brightest Pixel: Equal Length Brightest Pixel: Variable Length Brightness L L L L L R Brightest Pixel = 1- α R /(1+2α R ) %% % αRαR % Variable-Length Frames: Darkest Pixel = α R max L Brightest Pixel = (1+α R )max L L L L R R R Dimmed, Equal-Length Frames:
Viable α? α=100%α=0% Acceptable 2D View 2D Normal2D Low Contrast Acceptable 3D View 3D Brightness Too Unequal 3D Normal
Viable α? α=100%α=0% Acceptable 2D View Acceptable 3D View OK
Theory Experiments 2D Viewer Preferences 3D Depth Perception 3D Illusions Prototype
Viewer Preference Test: Composite 2D Image α=40% Standard 3DTV3D+2DTV Double-Image Lower Contrast
Viewer Preference Test: Composite 2D Image α=20% α=40% α=60% Standard 3DTV3D+2DTV
2D Viewers Prefer 3D+2DTV to 3DTV Equal Length Variable-Length % Who Prefer 3D+2DTV %% % αRαR
3D Depth Perception Test FarNear Stereo Image Shown
3D Depth Perception Test FarNear Perceived 3D Image
3D Depth Perception Test Perceived 3D Image
Depth Estimation Excellent for α ≥ 25% Error in Depth Estimation (degrees disparity) %% % αRαR
Viable α α=100% α=0% α=40% α=25% Acceptable 2D View Acceptable 3D View OK!
Adaptation to a Darker Image Dark Lens Left EyeRight Eye Stationary Object
SLOW Dimmer Image = Delayed Image Stationary Object
SLOW Moving Objects: Disparity = Depth Time = 1 … 2 … 3 … 4 Moving Object Apparent Location
Pulfrich Effect Creates Depth Super Bowl Commercial - Diet Coke Doctor Who 3 rd Rock from the Sun
3D Depth Perception of Moving Objects Stereo Image Shown
3D Depth Perception of Moving Objects Perceived 3D Image
Depths of Moving Objects Distorted Right Eye Dimmer Left Eye Dimmer Depth Error (Degrees) Equal Brightness Slow Fast Fast Slow
Theory Experiments Prototype
3D Projector 3D Glasses LR L R
Prototype Polarizing Filter 3D Glasses (With Polarizing Filter) LR R L R R
Standard 3D TV
3D + 2D TV Prototype
Third Channel: Inverse of Right Eye
Standard 3D TV
3D + 2D TV Prototype
Third Channel: Inverse of Right Eye
Standard 3D TV
3D + 2D TV Prototype
Third Channel: Inverse of Right Eye
Thank you Please stay after the next talk to see a live demo of a new single-projector prototype
Two-Frame 3D+2DTV L L As Seen Without Stereo Glasses L L L R R R L L L Time Three Frames L + R+(1-R) Two Frames R R R