Sample Title Frame Speaker’s Name Speaker’s Title
Advantages & Considerations of Widescreen PowerPoint Changes easily made on site Changes easily made on site Ideal for low ceiling heights Ideal for low ceiling heights More upscale format More upscale format 16X9 format screen widely available 16X9 format screen widely available
How the Template Show Works Speaker does “save as” and saves with his/her name as the filename Speaker does “save as” and saves with his/her name as the filename Copy and modify the frames shown here to build the presentation Copy and modify the frames shown here to build the presentation Avoid smaller type than used in the template – use more frames Avoid smaller type than used in the template – use more frames Add pictures and graphics where possible Add pictures and graphics where possible Works the same as normal PowerPoint in all respects except the frame proportion Works the same as normal PowerPoint in all respects except the frame proportion
Sample Chart Frame Percent Conversion to 9x16 Format
Sample Picture Frame Use images to reinforce points Use images to reinforce points Can also use charts on right side of screen Can also use charts on right side of screen Edit text to summarize Edit text to summarize Avoid using screen as scriptAvoid using screen as script Add your comments in spoken speechAdd your comments in spoken speech
Video Options Screen looks are flexible Screen looks are flexible Digitized video inserts OR Digitized video inserts OR Separate video projector with area mask on PowerPoint frame. Separate video projector with area mask on PowerPoint frame. Video produced in 16x9 ratio Video produced in 16x9 ratio Room for I-Mag image on the side Room for I-Mag image on the side