Session from Executive Leadership Kate Nosbisch Virginia Board of Medicine
Executive Leadership Program Module I: Regulatory Leadership Module II: Organizational Culture and Change Module III: Creating a Positive Public Relations Program Module IV: Creating Appropriate Relationships with Stakeholders / Art of Negotiation
Characteristics and Leadership Qualities THINK ABOUT A RECENT EXPERIENCE WITH SOMEONE YOU CONSIDER A LEADER……….. What did you admire most about this individual? How did they make you feel about yourself? What techniques or actions did they use to get you to perform?
Vision and the Possibilities of Change Create A Visual Image Accept Ambiguity Keep Projector “Focused” Examine Everything
Differences Between a Leader and Regulatory Leader Must know the regulatory arena Understand who your boss (es) are Forthcoming AND diplomatic Develop trust Comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty
Upcoming Offering September 22-24, 2008 Anchorage, Alaska
For More Information CLEAR 403 Marquis Ave, Ste 200 Lexington, KY