Main contents 1.Project management and organization 2.Supporting the national policy 3.Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises 4.Collaborated activities between 2 projects 5.Preliminary evaluation of the project implementation 6.Implementation plan of 2010
1.1. Project organization and management 1.A project Consultancy Board was set up by the MOLISA in June 16, The board includes 9 members of relevant agencies and organizations. Director of Labour Safety Department is the board director. 2.Project management board (PMB) was set up in June 16 th, The board includes 5 members who are staff of Labour Safety Department. Deputy Director of Labour Safety Department is the board director. 3.Project office was set up by ILO in June 2009 including 01 project coordinator and 01 Secreteriat cum administrative and financial management. 4.Project management units at provinces were set up by Director of Provincial Labour Department. Each provincial unit includes 5 members who are staff of the Provincial Labour Department and chaired by a leader of the Department.
1.2 Machine and equipment provision The PMB and each province were provided 01 laptop, 01 data-projector; 01 digital camera.
1.3. Guiding procedures of project administrative and financial management -In July, PMB and ILO visited and worked with 4 provinces to discuss the plan for project implementation in 2009, guide project finance management, provide payment and balance sheets in order to ensure implementation consistence of project activities.
2. Supporting development of national policies on occupational health and safety
2.1. Conducting a national workshop on National Programme of Occupational Health and Safety 2-days workshop was conducted in Sept. 3 rd - 4 th, 2009 in Hanoi aiming at assessing implementation progress of the National Programme of OHS in the first period and identifying priority objectives for development of the programme in the second period
2.2. Supporting the development of the national profile of OHS - MOLISA established a working group consisting of 27 members of relevant agencies. - National Profile was completed and printed 2000 Vietnamese copies and 300 English copies. A workshop to announce the profile was conducted in March 3 rd Profile consists of basic information on national policies, legislation, organization, working condition inspection and monitoring, training and education activities, collaborating activities… - Profile is essential and an important database for development of the national programme on OHS in the second period
2.3. Workshop on reporting system of occupational accidents and diseases - In December 2009, ILO in collaboration with ISSA and relevant agencies organized a national workshop on reporting system of occupational accidents and diseases in Ho Chi Minh city. - Over 40 representatives of relevant agencies attended and discussed measures for improving existing reporting systems of occupational accidents and diseases.
3. Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises
3.1. Investigating OHS in SMEs - Objective: Identify needs for improvement - Survey form includes 58 questions SME enterprises in each province were investigated that made up 500 investigated SMEs in total. - Department of Labour Safety collected, analyzed information and made result reports. - Investigation result report will be presented in the workshop on OHS in SMEs in March 12 th - 13 rd, 2010 in Thai Nguyen.
3.2. Conducting training for source trainers (TOT) on OHS in SMEs (WISE) - TOT was held in Sept , 2009 in Thanh Hoa with the participation of 20 officers of 4 project provinces. - ILO consultants were the TOT trainers. - Source trainers are responsible for collaborating with porvincial labour department to organize training for SMEs in their provinces during 3-year project implementation.
3.3. Training WISE for SMEs in 4 project provinces - The training for enterprises’ owners, managers and trade union members was conducted by source trainers. - Each training course had 30 participants. Total 120 participants of 4 provinces were trained in October Provincial PMU and source trainers visited enterprises to support working condition improvement frequently.
3.4. Conducting workshops on achievements of project provinces In January 2010, project provinces organized workshops to exchange experiences on improving working conditions and OHS between SMEs. - Providing awards for the best enterprises.
3.4. Results of working condition improvement in enterprises after training. Province/ Improvement Arrangement, transportation of materials Workplace arrangement Electricity and machine safety Working environment Work organization Toal Dong Nai Thua thien- Hue Thanh Hoa Thai Nguyen Total
3.4. Results of working condition improvement in enterprises after training.
Improvement of material and product transportation routes 17 After Before
18 Before After
Arranging materials and equipment tidy
Material arrangement
Painting and re-arranging electric cabinets
23 Budget: 50,000,000 dong. Implementation duration: 25 days. Effectiveness: reduce 1 worker, materials are not felt out, Ensure high level working safety (1-2m), prevent accidents, keep cleaned sanitary facilities, reduce Formalin exposure. Improve a material loading phase in Nam Nhat Wood processing company
24 Install brick conveyer belt Budget 15 million dong Less heavy work, higher productivity
Use high pressure water pumps to exploit mineral
26 Before After Cover dangerous moving parts of mechines, equipment
27 Before After
28 Before After
Cover dangerous moving parts of mechines, equipment
30 Install a part to prevent workers’ hand from needlstick injury in Son Ha Ltd. Company Help to reduce work-related accidents from 20 cases to 7-8 cases/month
Labelling operation boards to prevent mistake
Some improvement results of SMEs after WISE training in 2009 Increase lighting and natural ventilation
33 Increase natural lighting in boiler area in Nhat Nam company Before After
34 Workstation Roof before and after improvement Increase natural lighting Save electricity
Install ventilation fans in Automobile Truong Hai Company Before After
First aid box and canteen for workers Health care for workers
1. Developing the National Profile and National Programme on OHS. 2. Compiling a manual of OHS in SMEs: field visits, discussion on users and main contents of manual have been done. 3. Improving reporting system of occupational accidents and diseases. 4. Collaborating activities between 2 projects
4. Collaborating activities at provinces: ILO/MOLISA project invited health staff of 4 provinces to attend training courses for source trainers on OHS in SMEs (WISE/TOT). 5. Quarterly meetings of 4 organizations ILO- WHO-MOLISA-MOH 4. Collaborating activities between 2 projects
1. Almost all of improvement are simple and easy to implement; 2. Low cost and need short-time implementation during 3 months; 3. Save time, less heavy work, higher productivity; 4. Improve working environment. 5. Prevent occupational accidents 6. Provide healthcare and welfare for workers 5. Evaluation of improvement results in enterprises
1.Careful attention was paid by provincial PMU. 2.Have plans with clear task assignment for each staff and source trainer. 3.Active staff frequently supervised project implementation to support and consult enterprises to implement improvement 4.Enterprises’ improvements were highly appriciated and imployers and imployees involvement were encouraged. 5. Lessons learnt
6. Project plan Collaborate with relevant agencies to develop national policies, compile guidelines, training manuals; 2. Conduct feasibility studies on ILO conventions relating to OHS: C184, C187…; 3. Conduct WISE training for SMEs; 4. Conduct training of OHS in agriculture for agriculture workers following WIND method. 5. Implement some activities related to OHS in informal sectors and multi-national enterprises.
Thank you for your attention!