Moving, Dancing & Learning Connecting Dance with Popular Educational Theories
Presentation Based on Work with Students Transforming concepts into actions Combining movements to create dances Sometimes this work is known as arts infusion
Format of Presentation Define educational theory Describe how movement-based teaching relates to theory Conclude by drawing connections between different educational theories
Educational Theories to Be Discussed Zone of Proximal Development Learning Styles Multiple Intelligences Experiential Learning Cooperative Learning Brain-Based Learning
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Key to Socio-Cultural Theory of Lev Vygotsky Space between child’s developmental level & learning to be accomplished Child’s experiences must match developmental level
Connecting with ZPD Tailor movement experiences to age of child Older children can work in groups Younger children are me oriented, but creative movement encourages socialization Extend knowledge with creative movement
Learning Styles: Processing Information Auditory - hearing; individual processing Visual - drawings, charts, diagrams, outlines, images, global processing Tactile-Kinesthetic – understands by doing; concrete physical interactions with what is to be learned
Connecting with Learning Styles Kinesthetic - movement-based lessons Tactile - touching props or objects Visual - look at pictures or diagrams Auditory - explain concepts with words
Multiple Intelligences (MI) Linguistic - words, language Musical - play instrument, compose Logical-Mathematical - order, numbers, symbols Spatial - visualize patterns, images Body-Kinesthetic - skilled in use of body Interpersonal - focused outward Intrapersonal - focused inward
Connecting with MI Describe concepts with words Use music as accompaniment Use movement to demonstrate math concepts Visualize during creating actions Movement-based lessons are kinesthetic Group work is focused outward Individual work is focused inward
Experiential Learning Based on one’s experiences Students are actively doing Direct involvement Hands on learning Uses reflection & feedback
Connecting with Experiential Learning Concept-based movements provide direct experiences Specific movements used to improve brain function (Brain Gym & Brain Dance) Learn dances from other cultures for direct experience of the culture
Cooperative Learning Takes place in groups or teams Reduces competition & encourages all to be involved Requires planning of objectives & organization of groups Requires adequate time Encourages rotation of group members
Connecting with Cooperative Learning Teams create movements & dances More appropriate for older students Students learn to compromise & appreciation of peers
Brain-Based Learning Based on Neuroscience Interactive with environment Social brain Patterning or relating creates meanings Both focused & peripheral Developmentally based Challenge needed but not to point of being threatening
Connecting with Brain-Based Learning Transforming concepts into movement = interactions Team work = socialization Combing movements = patterns Creating = both conscious & unconscious thought Age appropriate lessons = developmental Creating movement = challenge, but is fun & not threatening
Similarities between the Theories Developmental - ZPD & Brain-Based Learning Multisensory - MI & Learning Styles Social - Cooperative Learning & Brain-Based Learning Interactive - Experiential & Brain- Based Learning Patterns & Relationships – MI & Brain-Based Learning