Living the Theory An Authentic Approach to Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
What is SEAL? Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning – non statutory element of primary and secondary curriculum from 2007 Underpins learning in all other curriculum areas Primary and Secondary Set
Skills Based Self awareness Managing feelings Motivation Empathy Social skills
Primary and Secondary Themes New beginnings Getting on and falling out Say no to bullying Going for goals Good to be me Relationships Changes A place to learn Learning to be together Keeping on learning Learning about me
This project TDA funded Across GONW Supported by National Strategies 100 teachers / school staff Evaluated baseline + ‘Practical SEAL skills for school leadership’
Adult Learning Approach Experiential adult learning Knowledge, skills and understanding NLP techniques to embed TA and EI to develop self awareness Extensive support materials Self Directed project to embed learning (Boyatzis 1998) Process is the content
Practitioner Research Approach Experiential Learning Cycle (Kolb 1984) Change Cycle (Lewin 1943 ) Action Research Cycle (McNiff 1988)
McNiff’s (1988: 44) model of the Action Research Cycle
Premises 4 levels of learning: Individual, Inter personal, Pedagogical, and Organisational Achieved through ‘Living the Theory’ (Whitehead 1989) and Modelling (Bandler and Grindler 1979) Supported learning to ensure transfer of learning Desired output – cultural change in schools at all levels
The programme Contract prior to arrival 2 consecutive days experiential learning Experimentation space 1 day experiential learning and feedback Establish projects 3 x half day cluster support groups Optional M level accreditation
All teachers reported a changed self awareness and attitude to teaching 90% of teachers reported a deeper understanding of teaching and learning 95% of teachers reported an increase of knowledge, skills and understanding 87% reported an increase in understanding of leadership 97% reported congruence between the course and their value systems 100% reported continued motivation 90% could evidence impact
Supporting Evidence “through exceptionally clear resources and experiential learning it succeeded in putting ‘theory into context’. It guided SEAL leaders towards understanding how some theories drawn from transactional analysis can be a practical tool for teachers seeking to understand SEAL and use it to shape and change the motivation, behaviour, emotions of themselves, their pupils and their school teams”
“The evidence provides strong satisfaction with all three aspects of course structure, delivery style and resources, implying a highly positive impact on participants availing themselves of the opportunities offered by the course”
“Participants valued the experience of reflective practice promoted by the substance, sequencing and structure of the programme”
Challenges Accreditation completion was low Participants reported wanting a longer overall timescale Acquiring + 6 months evaluation data Attendance at cluster meetings Intransient views of a minority of staff towards SEAL
Conclusions “Despite the challenges, the programme was overwhelmingly rated highly effective and inspiring, and exceptionally well designed and delivered, by almost every participant, and favourably compared with all other courses. The conversion of ‘concept to context’ was an outstanding feature”.
Kaz Stuart University of Cumbria SEPE Rydal road Ambleside Cumbria LA22 9BB /