Part 7 Diversity in Worship
Areas of Diversity: 1. Age Groups 2. Generations 3. Commitment Levels 4. Worship Styles 5. Culture Groups Diversity in Worship
1. Children 2. Teenagers 3. Young Adults 4. Adults 5. Family Worship Age Groups in Worship
1. Pre-Boomers 2. Boomers 3. Gen Xers 4. Millennials Modern - Postmodern Generations in Worship
1. Believer-orientated 2. Believer-orientated but visitor friendly 3. Outreach-orientated Commitment Levels in Worship
1. Traditional/Contemporary 2. Worship Languages Worship Styles
Connects with everyday life Sensory Experiential Filled with movement Expressing intimate love Dramatic structure What is Contemporary Worship?
Common music genre Music written in last decade Music with instrumentation Songs expressing intimacy Songs using sensory metaphor Smooth flow Songs addressing God directly What is Contemporary Worship?
EPIC What is Contemporary Worship?
Worship Languages Gordon MacDonald in Forging A Real World Faith speaks of six languages that worshippers speak.
Worship Language: The Aesthetic Instinct Agenda: Majesty Example: David Aesthetes enter worship solemnly and love to kneel in the presence of the God of majesty
Worship Language: The Experiential Instinct Agenda: Joy Example: Peter Experientialists are big hearted and seize any opportunity to meet with God
Worship Language: The Activist Instinct Agenda: Achievement Example: Moses Activists like to be exhausted as they mobilise people to do something constructive
Worship Language: The Contemplative Instinct Agenda: Listening Example: John the Baptist Contemplatives love to withdraw to meet with God in silence and contemplation
Worship Language: The Student Instinct Agenda: Truth Example: Paul Students see heaven as a bible study with God as the discussion leader
Worship Language: The Relational Instinct Agenda: Love Example: Barnabas Relationists believe God is most heard when people are engaged in good relationships
Worship Languages 1. The Aesthetic Instinct 2. The Experiential Instinct 3. The Activist Instinct 4. The Contemplative Instinct 5. The Student Instinct 6. The Relational Instinct
Worship Languages Each of us will be inclined to one or two instincts We will be curious about two others We wonder what value there is in the others
Worship Languages Jesus Balanced All Six Styles: Contemplative and Activist Relationist and Student Experientialist and Aesthetic
Worship Languages Implications Maturity in faith comes when we become conversant in all six languages. Worship leaders must ensure worship caters for all styles and not just their own style