Experiential Living Lab for the Internet Of Things ELLIOT Experiential Living Labs for the Internet Of Things EU FP7 STREP Duration – Standard Presentation 1
List of participants 1.TXT Polymedia s.p.a. (POL), Italy 2.The University of Nottingham, UK 3.BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Germany 4.INRIA – Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, France 5.Collaborative Engineering srl (CENG), Italy 6.University of Reading (UR), UK, IMSS Laboratories 7.Fondazione Centro San Raffaele del Monte Tabor - San Raffaele Hospital (HSR), Italy 8.FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération), France 9.VU Log s.a.s. (VULOG), France 2
Project Goal The ELLIOT project aims to develop an Internet Of Things (IOT) experiential platform where users/citizens are directly involved in co- creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artifacts related to IOT applications and services. This will allow studying the potential impact of IOT and the Future Internet in the context of the Open User Centered Innovation paradigm and of the Living Lab approach. The project is expected to dramatically increase the adoption of IOT in Europe and to enhance the potential of collaborative innovation for the discovery of innovative IOT application/service opportunities in bridging the technological distance with users/citizens. 3
Involving Users and Citizens in the definition and testing of innovative IoT services Background Strong and growing emphasis on the involvement of the final users in the development process of new product and services: The need Definition of new industrial Practices to get the product or the services right from the beginning How To put potential customers, users and citizens in a position to feel, sense, experiment and interact with new services/products under development since the early stage of its conception. Why Reduction of the development cycles needed to engineer and make available to the public the intended product/service Products/services better in line with customers’ true needs (produce what it is really needed rather than to produce what it is feasible) 4
Study and develop a set of KSB (Knowledge-Social-Business) Experience Models integrating social, intellectual-cognitive, economical, legal and ethical aspects related to the use of IOT technologies and services into a single, “holistic”, meta model. Design and develop an Experiential Platform where the KSB Experience Models will be implemented to explore socially enabled ICT/IOT, including its validation as well as the corresponding impact evaluation. This platform will operate as a knowledge and experience gathering environment in the IOT context. Main Objectives (I) 5
Explore the potential of user co-creation techniques and tools, such as serious gaming, participative requirements engineering and verification/validation, in the context of IOT. Experiment within three European Living Labs, each composed of a physical space artifact, an information space architecture and a societal space community. Such use cases will be concurrently conducted in three different sectors, namely Logistics, Wellbeing and Environment. They will allow exploring and validating the KSB Experience Model, the Experiential Platform as well as the co-creation techniques and tools in the context of IOT technologies and services. Main Objectives (II) 6
ELLIOT Conceptual Model A conceptual model encompassing enterprise kind of Living Labs from the physical space up to the societal space connected by the information space. 7
ELLIOT Use Cases (I) The Use Cases will be conducted on three different geographical sites: BIBA (LogDynamics Lab) in Bremen, Germany, will conduct the following use case: o Logistics PLM: Logistics Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) supported by IOT and RFID technologies. The focus will be set on one particular scenario: Design and use of intelligent product applications in an IOT environment – Localisation of Intelligent Products 8
ELLIOT Use Cases (II) HSR (San Raffaele Hospital, the City of the Future) in Milan, Italy, will handle an extended concept of “Well Being”, based on the following scenarios: o Media scenario: TV for Paediatrics o Personalized Services scenario o Tourism Services scenario o Public Transport scenario 9
ELLIOT Use Cases (III) Green ICT Usage Lab supported by INRIA (Sophia Antipolis), FING and VU Log (France). The following use case will be conducted base on fixed and mobile sensors as available with: o The Green Watch o The Sensor Vehicle 10
ELLIOT Dissemination and Use Dissemination is addressed at different levels: At single Living Lab level, by leveraging their users’ and citizens’ communities and relevant communication means: At ENoLL level, through the provision of ELLIOT dissemination material to the Living Labs members of ENoLL, which will channel it to their citizens/users communities Through multipliers, which are Social and Economic external entities that are because of their social mission and/or business positioning: potentially committed to the adoption of results In a position of reaching a large dissemination target In a position of playing an active role in supporting the achievement of the project impact. 11
The ELLIOT Community: Multipliers IT Industry IOT Community Universities Enterprises Industrial & Professional Associations Living Labs’ Stakeholders Governmental bodies Multipliers are in a position of accessing wider groups to contribute effectively to the deployment of the overall ELLIOT results. Users & Citizen’s Associations ELLIOT Project Findings & Results 12
NOT ON MAP 1st-3rd Wave: Brazil4 China1 Mozambique1 South Africa2 Taiwan2 4th Wave: Brazil3 China3 Colombia2 Senegal1 Taiwan2 USA1 European Network of Living Labs: an ideal dissemination channel for ELLIOT 212 Living Labs Hundreds of public bodies, including Municipalities, Innovation Agencies, Universities... Thousands of companies, especially SMEs clusters Hundreds of thousands of final users organized in user communities 212 Living Labs Hundreds of public bodies, including Municipalities, Innovation Agencies, Universities... Thousands of companies, especially SMEs clusters Hundreds of thousands of final users organized in user communities 13
Workplan 14
Contact Information Project Coordinator: Gabriella Monteleone TXT e-solutions S.p.A. Technical Coordinator: Michele Sesana TXT e-solutions S.p.A. Impact Manager: Marco Conte Collaborative Engineering ELLIOT Web Site: 15