21st Century Social Studies Session ID 86 Presented by Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.
Overview 21st Century Skills History Description 21st Century Social Studies Examples Implications
History SCANS Report Partnership for the 21st Century Collaborative Effort Curricular and Instructional Guidance ICT Literacy Maps Policy Advocacy Alignment with NCLB
Language Arts, Math, Science, Foreign Language, Arts, Social Studies (Civics, Government, Economics, History, Geography) Real-world examples, Experiences in and out of schools, relevant, engaging, and meaningful content Global awareness Financial, economic, and business literacy Civic literacy Health and Wellness Awareness Information and communication Thinking and problem solving Interpersonal and self- directional skills ICT literacy (including higher-level skills, critical thinking, and intelligent, creative, and ethical use of technology)
Core Subjects
21st Century ContentNCSS Themes Global Awareness Financial, Economic, and Business Literacy Civic Literacy Health and Wellness Awareness Culture Time, Continuity and Change People, Places, and Environments Individual Development, and Identity Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Power, Authority, and Governance Production, Distribution, and Consumption Science, Technology, and Society Global Connections Civic Ideals and Practices
Social Studies through a 21st Century Lens Examples
Core Subjects/Content Ethics Roles of technology through history Innovations
Learning Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Contextual Learning Information and Media Literacy
Learning Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Contextual Learning Information and Media Literacy
Learning Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Contextual Learning Information and Media Literacy
Learning Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Contextual Learning Information and Media Literacy
Learning Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Contextual Learning Information and Media Literacy
Learning Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Creativity and Innovation Collaboration Contextual Learning Information and Media Literacy
Context Experiential Authentic Relevant Engaging Meaningful
Context Experiential Authentic Relevant Engaging Meaningful
Context Experiential Authentic Relevant Engaging Meaningful
Context Experiential Authentic Relevant Engaging Meaningful
Context Experiential Authentic Relevant Engaging Meaningful
Tools Information and Communication Technology Higher-Order Thinking Critical Thinking Intelligent, Creative, and Ethical Use of Technology
Assessment Technology- Based Collaborative Portfolios
Assessment Technology- Based Collaborative Portfolios
Assessment Technology- Based Collaborative Portfolios
Implications Prepare Teachers Pre-service In-service Accessible Tools Thinking Differently
Overview 21st Century Skills History Description 21st Century Social Studies Examples Implications
21st Century Social Studies Christy G. Keeler, Ph.D.