Comprehensive Career Development … What’s That?Presenters: Denise Felder ~ ISEEK Al Hauge ~ MDE Alyssa Klein ~ DEED CTE Conference 2013
About Us Al Hauge: Career and Technical Education Career Development and Work Based Learning Specialist Transition Disabled Specialist-Employment Element of Special Education Alyssa Klein: Vocational Rehabilitation Services Youth lead for Pathways to Employment ( ) Leading plan for VRS to engage more in schools Focus: Universal design for workforce and learning programs; Hands-on opportunities for youth; Community and school supports Denise Felder: iSeek Solutions Editor of MnCareers Career content for youth, ABE, underrepresented populations Career adviser to at-risk youth, low-income adults 2
2013 Omnibus E-12 Education Act Article II, Section 6 “ World’s best Workforce: ” "Curriculum" means district or school adopted programs and written plans for providing students with learning experiences that lead to expected knowledge and skills and career and college readiness. Article II, Sections 8 Now a requirement: school districts to work with students from grade 9 to develop life plans. Article III, Section 9 School counselor’s role in assisting students to meet high school graduation requirements, explore and select college and career options, conduct affordability planning, and make the transition to postsecondary education or training. 3 Legislation
Planning For Students' Successful Transition School Districts beginning in must assist all students by no later than grade 9 to explore their college and career interests and aspirations and develop a plan for a smooth and successful transition to postsecondary education or employment. 4 Legislation
Planning For Students' Successful Transition All students' plans must be designed to: (1) provide a comprehensive academic plan for completing a college and career-ready curriculum premised on meeting state and local academic standards and developing 21st century skills such as team work, collaboration, and good work habits; (2) emphasize academic rigor and high expectations; (Already in existence) 5 Legislation
Planning For Students' Successful Transition All students' plans must be designed to: (3) help students identify personal learning styles that may affect their postsecondary education and employment choices; (4) help students gain access to postsecondary education and career options ; ( 5) integrate strong academic content into career-focused courses and integrate relevant career-focused courses into strong academic content; 6 Legislation
Planning For Students' Successful Transition All students' plans must be designed to: (6) help students and families identify and gain access to appropriate counseling and other supports and assistance that enable students to complete required coursework, prepare for postsecondary education and careers, and obtain information about postsecondary education costs and eligibility for financial aid and scholarship; (7) help students and families identify collaborative partnerships of kindergarten through grade 12 schools, postsecondary institutions, economic development agencies, and employers that support students' transition to postsecondary education and employment and provide students with experiential learning opportunities. 7 Legislation
Postsecondary & Workforce Support of FastTRAC job training programs (DEED) Use and dissemination of Labor Market Information, collaboration with MOHE, MnSCU & DEED 8 Legislation
Other Important Legislation Assessments (K-12) Statewide Testing (K-12) EPAS (K-12) 9 Legislation
Reactions to legislation? 10 Discussion
What is Career Readiness? Career Readiness Partner Council “ Possessing the awareness, skills, and dispositions needed to be able to “effectively navigate pathways that connect education and employment to achieve a fulfilling, financially-secure and successful career.” 11
Career Readiness Includes … Academic and technical knowledge and skills Employability knowledge, skills and dispositions 12
Support for Career Readiness Individualized Plans Career Exploration Tools School Counselors Experiential Learning EXPLORE and PLAN Supports for Adult Learners 13
How do you implement Individualized plans? Which career exploration resources do you use? 14 Discussion
What is Needed Comprehensive Counseling Program Components Guidance curriculum Individualized planning Responsive services that help individuals with school/employment problems System support that allows counselors time/resources to carry out guidance program Source: Comprehensive Guidance Programs that Work 15
Quality Plan Implementation (K-12) Includes: Document and a Process Electronic Portfolio System School-wide, not just counselors Students use regularly (twice/week) Community partnerships Connects academics and enhanced learning activities (experiential learning) 16 What is Needed
Cross-Agency Collaboratives Addressing the Issues Twin Cities Collaborative MN Career & College Collaborative GWDC Youth Experiential and Pathway Collaborative Other councils and committees 17 MN Support of Career Development
Governor’s Workforce Development Council GWDC Youth Experiential Learning Policy Committee Goal: To develop policy recommendations that will increase experiential learning opportunities for youth in Minnesota. Defines experiential learning as: Offering students direct and systemic employer and/or community/customer feedback Allows students to apply skills they learn in the classroom Requires in-depth engagement, more than just a one-time experience 18
Experiential learning could affect: 1) Lack of career awareness 2) Need for increased soft skills 3) Low motivation in school and disconnect between school and real-world situations and careers 4) Lack of work experience 5) Too few students participate in experiential learning 19 Governor’s Workforce Development Council
Current Considerations Licensing flexibility Transportation Incentives to students, programs and employers 20 Governor’s Workforce Development Council
MN Support of Career Development MDE Inter-Disciplinary Committee Creating resource directory for districts MN Career & College Readiness Collaborative (CCRC) Partners from education, community and workforce development to address the need for comprehensive career development for people at various stages of life. 21
CCRC’s Charge State Team: 100+ members Guidance for policymakers and organizations around career development and college readiness Gather and disseminate information and resources needed to deliver career development 22
CCRC Subcommittees Business & Community Involvement Career Development Process Design & Implementation Parent, Family Engagement Professional Development Technology mn-career-college-collaborative/index.jsp 23
What changes, supports would you like to see? 24 Discussion
8 Recommendations 1. Consider how education can better align with MN’s workforce development system 2. Reference ASCA National Standards for Students (see handout) 3. Recommend grade-level benchmark system for districts to assist students in career development 4. Ensure students have access to portable electronic system to catalogue, store, and share their plans and career development activities 25
5. Increase number of school counselors throughout state 6. Decrease amount of “extra” work expected of school counselors not aligned with job description 7. Continue to fund EXPLORE and PLAN tools 8. Increase experiential learning opportunities for ALL students 26 8 Recommendations continued
Other recommendations to help MN schools, businesses, community and public agencies work together to help youth and job seekers succeed in their education or career plans? 27 Discussion
Thank you! Denise Felder, Al Hauge, Alyssa Klein, Minnesota Career & College Readiness Collaborative mn-career-college-collaborative/index.jsp 28