Tapping into EQ
EQ… Is about your customers Helps you understand who they are Helps you understand what appeals to them Helps you understand how to speak with them
Free Spirit Authentic Experiencer Cultural Explorer
Who are your customers? Top selling points Describe your customers Review EQ profiles Match your product to EQ types
Fine-tune Your Product What are their values? What’s most appealing to your customers? What’s least appealing?
Fine-tune Your Product Brainstorm ideas to update your product Prioritize your ideas
Use Your Words
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
The EQ Toolkit Determine Your Best Customers Using EQ Fine-tune Your Product Using EQ Package Experiences Using EQ Describe Your Experience Using EQ Assess & Choose Imagery Using EQ Promote & Sell Using EQ
The EQ Toolkit industry/tools/?sc_url=corpdomain44#eqtoolkit
Tips Explore the EQ Toolkit Work with your friendly DMO Add the EQ quiz to your website Have fun with it!
Tourism Tofino – EQ Examples and uses
EQ in Action in Tofino – Customer Segmentation EQ Quiz language incorporated into Visitor Experience surveys Analyze results based on EQ activity appeal across all types – Who is coming to Tofino – Type of trip – How much spent Drives future investments by explorer type
Open-ended survey responses help us achieve information about our seasonally-changing visitor demographics, travel motivations and activity appeal index – and offers us insight into the language and imagery our visitors would best respond to INSPIRATION WHEN PLANNING: : MOST ENJOYABLE PART OF THE TRIP
TourismTofino.com Pre & Post EQ: Before: lots of information up front, impressive nature photography, campaigns driven by 4 seasons After: Simplified, more focus on experiential imagery than scenery or seasonality, easy points of entry, increasingly using more EQ ‘language’, incorporation of EQ quiz
Traditional Advertising Pre & Post EQ: Before: lots of descriptive written copy; standard tag line limited ability to expand messaging; After: Incorporation of festival and events with direct calls to action; updated imagery targeted at AE & CE
Vacation Guides Pre & Post EQ: Before: inconsistent regional branding, neutral colours, focus on tourism accommodation and activities as “products” After: incorporated brand standards, updated colour palette, feature guests enjoying experiences they can picture themselves participating in
Next Steps: Complete “tagging” and Experiential Inventory exercise Encourage stakeholders to explore the free online tools: corporate.canada.travel/resources-industry/explorer-quotienthttp://en- corporate.canada.travel/resources-industry/explorer-quotient Alignment and package/product development amongst stakeholders Shift next iteration of Strategic Marketing Plan further away from a supply-based marketing approach towards a more visitor-centric approach Further develop key experience-based themes: CurrentlyMoving toward… Spring – Get on the WaterThe Awakening of Spring Early Summer - Boat to TableLocal Flavours and Artisanal Offerings Fall – Late Summer/Learn to SurfExploring Your Comfort Zone Winter – StormwatchingIconic Tofino Experiences Your Tofino – share your storyThe Authenticity of Tofino
Questions? Denise Le Gal – Kirsten Soder –