An Overview Teacher Professional Development Building Resilience in Children and Young People
Building Resilience Building Resilience is based on research which highlights the importance of taking a multi-dimensional school-wide approach to building resilience. It assists schools to: Partner with the school community, including families and local and community services Lead activity across the school, orchestrating a comprehensive approach Teach social and emotional skills to all students across all year levels Support those young people identified as needing additional assistance Refer those in need to appropriate services
Building Resilience Social and Emotional Learning Lesson Materials The Building Resilience Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lesson materials are informed by a strong evidence base that highlights the elements of effective SEL programs These lessons use a range of collaborative learning activities such as: paired sharing small group problem-solving discussions scenario-based discussions skills-development exercises role-plays Storytelling Games experiential activities class discussions
Building Resilience Social and Emotional Learning Lesson Materials are available Across all AusVELS Levels: PrimarySecondary FoundationLevel 7-8 Level 1-2Level 9-10 Level 3-4Level Level 5-6VCE/ VCAL SEL materials have also been developed for use with students in Year (those in VCE/VCAL)
Building Resilience Social and Emotional Learning Topics for All Year Levels Topic 1: Emotional literacy Topic 2:Personal strengths Topic 3:Positive coping Topic 4:Problem-solving Topic 5:Stress management Topic 6:Help-seeking
Building Resilience SEL Lesson Materials and the AUSVELS These lesson materials link to the following aspects of the AusVELS curriculum: General Capabilities: Personal and Social Capability Critical and Creative Thinking Capability Learning Areas: Health and Physical Education (HPE) – sub-strands Being Healthy safe and active and Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing English – Speaking and Listening; Reading and Viewing
Building Resilience SEL Lesson Materials and VCE/ VCAL The lesson materials designed for the post-compulsory years can be used in a variety of ways: specific VCE study or orientation camps programs designed to help VCE students manage exam stress and learn relaxation techniques daily or weekly minute home group or pastoral sessions careers education programs part of the school wellbeing team’s response to specific VCE/VCAL issues or events as source material for creative writing as a regular or one off element of the English classroom lunchtime or after school activities special ‘days’ or events held for post-compulsory students as an integral part of the VCAL curriculum
Building Resilience Online Portal Building Resilience online assists schools to easily access the wealth of programs, organisations, tools, and resources designed to enhance the resilience of children and young people. This includes: information, advice and resources and which assist in the leadership of school- wide approaches to fostering the resilience and wellbeing of students and staff, a wide range of evidence-based materials and resources developed both by the Department and external organisations, to assist teachers to educate across key health and wellbeing areas resources to guide schools in supporting all students, including those with additional needs, as well as advice on appropriate referral pathways for students requiring specialist assessment or intervention For further information see: