Digital Learning Initiative (DLI) College Council November 20, 2014 Lori Nave, Director e-Learning & Teaching Innovation (eLTI)
Digital Learning Initiative Advance GBC’s traditional strengths in hands-on and experiential education by enhancing blended forms of learning –Sponsored by the Academic Computing Committee Ensure that teaching and learning at GBC embraces all forms of media, linked to and led by pedagogical effectiveness –Input from Faculty Working Group Holistic approach providing support for people, enhancing technology, and process improvements
DLI – Flexible Learning Face-to-face Technology- enhanced Blended Active Learning Blended Reduced Class Time Fully online Technology enriching the classroom Technology facilitating interaction Technology changing need for physical access Focus modalities for the DLI Source: UBC Flexible Learning
Digital Learning Initiative Flexible learning rooted in experiential practice e-Learning Ecosystem - LMS, CCR, CMS, ePortfolio, analytics, video conf. Pilot Programs Learning Experiences and Pedagogy SupportInfrastructure Process Improvements 4 Flexible Learning: Augments and enhances experiential learning by giving students access to content, communication, and community where and when they want and need it. SMA: “growth in flexible learning models and alternative formats, including online, evening and weekend classes”
DLI – Flexible Learning – 2015/16 Jan - Apr May - Jun Sep - DecJul - Aug May - SepJan - Apr Experiments with tools and features Pilot Live courses Evaluation Expanded pilots & possible decisions Migration
Other College-wide DLI Projects 6
Students’ Access to Technology For more information, contact LLC. 7 Devices Total Quantity Across all Campuses Open Access Computers785 Laptops (PC and Mac)171 iPads145 Technology enhanced group project spaces 55 USB recharging outlets10
iPad Pilot Programs Overview: Introductory Comms course adapted for paperless delivery 2 course sections, approximately 25 of students per section 40 iPads & 1 cart iOS (Apple) apps: 30 of free or pay for apps Students and professor to use iPads while in the classroom Challenge: Integrate emerging educational technologies Teach students new communication skills and collaboration methods Test new teaching methodologies Increase student engagement Create a scalable project that can be applied more broadly 8
Clicker Apps Clickers to clicker apps (Socrative, Poll Everywhere, Kahoot) Clickers*: –Led to greater in-class participation –Students prepped more for class –Increased scores on tests, exams, and grades (by 3.5%) Presenting Clicker Apps to CHCA and Dental in October Sources*: Lantz, M. E. (2010). The use of ‘clickers’ in the classroom: Teaching innovation or merely an amusing novelty?. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, Mayer, R.E., et al. (2009). Clickers in college classrooms: Fostering learning with questioning methods in large lecture classes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34,
Free video online application Stoney Kudel –Invitation to New Student Orientation Disability Services –Dolores Santos –Student welcome 10 Support
Discussion Topics How will the DLI impact your department? What are the issues you can see related to the pilots and transition to a more technology enabled teaching and learning environment. What are the wider pedagogical implications for flexible learning and online learning generally 11
Thanks 12