COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY in the VISUAL ART STUDIO Faculty Seminar Oct. 10, 2013
DISTINCTIVES OF ART-MAKING Sensory Perception (aesthetics Baumgarten, Appelbaum) Active Embodied Materialized Experiential Multiple Ways of Knowing (Elliot Eisner)
COGNITIVE COMPLEXITY Integrates reason with affect, intuition + sensory perception (Nussbaum); Extends attention (Weil); Suspends categorization, interupts preperceptions (James); Imagination (Greene), Collaboration, non-verbal communication…
FLEXIBLE PURPOSING “the intelligence required to shift direction mid process in response to what is happening in the course of the work” (Dewey). Risk-taking, pursuing surprising, new and unknown paths and solutions are active art-making practices and are necessary for discoveries in all fields (Eisner).
TRANSMEDIATION shifting information between forms of representation (sign systems) results in a cascade of new meanings and connections (Siegel ). semiotic process of moving across sign systems is a generative process- productive of new meanings (Suhor ). Suhor suggests symbol-making and manipulating eclipses language use as humanities’ most characteristic trait Interest from medical education (Bleakley et all (2006); Katz, Newell and Hanes; Vladescu et al).
SENSE-MAKING Historical, critical, theoretical integration with lived experience; Embodied awareness, sense perception, imagination + reason; Affect, intuition + intellect; Unknowing + knowing; Catharsis; Means by which we come to understanding; Materialized experiential rather than propositional;
SENSE-MAKING Historical, critical, theoretical integration with lived experience; Embodied awareness, sense perception, imagination + reason; Affect, intuition + intellect; Unknowing + knowing; Catharsis; Means by which we come to understanding; Materialized experiential rather than propositional
STEM/STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
ART PRACTICE IS RESEARCH Inquiry based Research goals Products not necessarily word based Create, critique and construct knowledge Graham Sullivan, Art Practice as Research, Inquiry in the Visual Arts, 2005