Implementation of High Impact Practices on the Albertus Campus: Engaging Students in Collaborative Research Hilda Speicher & Patty Compagnone-Post Albertus Magnus College New Haven, CT Talk presented at the Dominican Colloquium at Molloy College June 14 th, 2014
Albertus Magnus College Small liberal arts institution 506 Traditional Day students 771 evening UG 305 evening Graduate 40+ full-time faculty Catholic College (Dominican Tradition) Mostly 1st generation college students Diverse student population Race & Ethnicity Age
Albertus Magnus College 3 delivery systems Traditional Day Program (semester-long) Accelerated Degree Program (ADP; adult learners) New Dimensions Program (ND; adult cohorts) Multiple Graduate Programs Art Therapy Human Services MFA Writing Program Education Leadership MBA Business Management
Mission The mission of Albertus Magnus College is to provide men and women with an education that promotes the search for truth in all its dimensions and is practical in its application. Founded by the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Albertus Magnus College, faithful to its Catholic heritage and the Judeo-Christian tradition, remains dedicated to providing an opportunity for learning which responds to the academic needs and ethical challenges of its students and society.
Why Research? High Impact Practice Problem-based Experiential Learning Collaborative with Faculty – Opportunity for mentoring Promotes – Engagement in Learning Fosters life long learning – Analytical Thinking – Information Literacy – Marketable Skills
History of Research at AMC Graduate Programs Only MAAT program required primary thesis research Other graduate programs required capstone projects Undergraduate Programs No senior thesis requirements Independent studies occasionally involve primary research Practicum – research with faculty when couldn’t schedule off campus site placement (in Psychology only) Colloquiums Biology currently, Psychology formerly 2003 Patricia Compagnone-Post (Biology) & Hilda Speicher (Social Psychology) join AMC faculty Shared interest in pursuing research with students
History of Research at AMC Faculty research Not all faculty engaged in primary research Evaluation/promotion more focused on teaching & community service Although scholarship is encouraged & recognized! Faculty who were engaged in some form of scholarship: Art Therapy, Biology, English, History, Humanities, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology Collaborative student/faculty research limited to art therapy, biology & psychology
How to Create a Culture of Collaborative Research Change norms on campus to a culture of research Educate faculty, administrators & students about the nature of collaborative research/scholarship/creative arts Highlight research that occurs on campus Make clear advantages to both faculty & students Disseminate research information to AMC community Students Faculty
Educating Faculty Address faculty concerns about collaborative research How can students be involved – Must I spend more time I don’t have guiding their research? – Can they further my own research? What is scholarship across disciplines – No, research does not just happen in the sciences! Attend conferences on “High Impact” practices and UR A small set of faculty & administrators did so and had the “aha” moment
Educating Faculty Value of involving students in faculty research programs Collaboration can advance your research agenda Yes, it takes more time & produces less than doing it yourself—but who has time to do it all – We have a 4:4 teaching load – Most faculty teach more than 4 courses a term Can provide fresh insight to research questions Can help with literature reviews for publications Allows speedy data collection and entry Can lead to conference presentations
Educating Administrators & Students Benefits of student involvement in research Is high impact co-curricular activity Fosters engagement in learning For students & faculty Form of experiential learning, using problem solving & application Evidence leads to Greater comprehension Greater retention Increases knowledge of most recent work in the field For students & faculty
Educating Administrators & Students Benefits of student involvement in research Is integrative learning – reinforces learning from multiple courses Develops skills Students more competitive for Jobs Graduate programs Encourages relationships between faculty and students Promotes academic & career advising Mentoring Is fun! Both students and faculty enjoy it
Promotion of Student Research at AMC Two dreams are better than one Dr. Compagnone-Post (Biology) & Dr. Speicher (Psychology) share their dreams Her desire for more resources for scholarship and to create a culture of research on campus My desire to recreate the college-wide UR program I served while in graduate school at Univ. of Delaware Formed a Faculty Council on Student Research (FCSR) in 2007 sent to all faculty inviting them to join
FCSR Members 1.Patricia Compagnone-Post, Biology and Chemistry 2.Hilda Speicher, Psychology 3.Stephen Joy, Psychology 4.Loel Tronsky, Psychology and Education 5.Evie Lindemann, Art Therapy (Master of Arts) 6.Karen Kendrick, Sociology 7.Robert Bourgoise, Anthropology 8.Deborah Frattini, English 9.Howard Fero, Leadership (Master of Arts) 10.Robert Imholt (History) – new! 11. Sean O’Connell, Dean Traditional Day Program/Philosophy 12. Melissa DeLucia, Internship Coordinator/Communication – new! 13. Anne Leeney-Panagrossi, Director of Library Services
FCSR Mission Statement The mission of the FCSR is to design and implement a curriculum that incorporates student- faculty collaborative research across all academic disciplines. This mode of scholarship is formulated to heighten engagement and creativity in the learning process for both students and faculty.
Aims of the FCSR 1.Identify AMC faculty with specific research interests who would participate in the program. 2.Develop a set of program objectives and assessment tools to monitor the pedagogical impact of a research-inclusive curriculum. 3.Disseminate the results of both undergraduate and graduate research projects by hosting on-campus annual symposiums and participating in local and national research meetings. 4.Establish liaisons at other academic institutions and organizations (public and private) to help develop research-based educational opportunities. 5.Identify sources of $$$$$$$$$$ to support student and faculty research agendas.
FCSR Activities to Promote Collaborative Research Culture Presented workshop to AMC faculty on student research aimed at – Defining research across disciplines – Presenting models of existing AMC student- faculty collaboration Sponsored annual student research presentations Poster Sessions (years 1-3) Experiential Learning Day (2011 to present)
Student Research Presentations 1 st Year (Symposium) Biology, psychology, art therapy, anthropology, education, chemistry (N = 17) Undergraduates (accelerated and day programs) MA Students (Art Therapy & Liberal Studies) Students worked on AMC and Yale campuses Impact Well attended by faculty and administration “Most important initiative at Albertus in decades” Students attended if assigned to do so Truly transformative – the AMC community began a new era: collaborative student/faculty research
Student Research Presentations 2 nd Year (Symposium) New programs and disciplines added to the program Business UG and MS in Business Administration Student internship at CT Agricultural Experiment Station 3 rd Year (Poster Session) No talks – so renamed the event New programs and disciplines added to the program Humanities, leadership, cultural history
Experiential Learning Day Is Born History Week of student research presentations accompanied by awards ceremony for internship students & site supervisors Internship coordinator wanted to add “pair & share breakfast” Concern: too many events in one week, poor turnout Suggested combining events – canceling classes for the day Models encountered at AAC&U conference on UR Dean of Day Program approved Faculty approved All forms of experiential learning included Research/scholarship Creative & performing arts Internships & Practica Student organizations Service Learning
Current ELD Program Concurrent sessions – students presenting – Research, scholarship, performances, student club activities, service learning, art Awards Ceremony (internships, research & service) Student Choir Performance Luncheon Exhibits – Research Poster Session, Faculty Research Corner, Art Showcases, Student Club table top displays, AMC support services (ITS, Career Services) Research in Action (Thesis students conducting studies)
ELD Evaluation I am a: __ Student__Staff Member__ Site Supervisor__ Faculty Member Please rate each of the following events that you attended on a scale where 1 = not at all engaging to 7 = highly engaging. (If you did not attend an event, please check NA for not applicable.) Not at all Highly NA Concurrent Presentations: __ Lunch: __ Exhibits: __ Poster Session & Art Exhibits: __ Student Organizations: __ AMC Services Tables: __ Research Corner __ Awards Ceremony: __ Research In Action: __ Please rate the degree to which ELD provided you with information on: Not at all A lot Collaboration between students/faculty: Research Opportunities: Practicum/Internship Service Learning Student Organizations: AMC Support Services: Graduate Programs at AMC: Which opportunities did you learn about that you would like to do yourself in the future (check all that apply): __Research/Scholarship __Practicum/Internship __ Service Learning Please describe briefly what your interests are regarding experiential learning: ______________________________________________________________________________ If ELD did not adequately provide information that you are interested in, please describe briefly how we can improve: ______________________________________________________________________________ Have you attended/participated in ELD in the past? __ Yes __ No When? ____________________ How did the program this year’s compare to prior years? Not as Good Much Better __NA Would you be interested in becoming a part of ELD in the future: Not at all Definitely
ELD Impact – Unsolicited Evaluations Faculty “It always is gratifying to play even a small role in a successful event. Because of your extensive planning, your belief in the possibility of success for this day, and your remarkable organizational skills—as well as your creativity in drawing people to the event—I felt an exhilaration that is all too rare in educational ventures. This was a most wonderful day in the life of AMC, and I look forward to ELD #2” [Education] “…My students were required to go, and as an assignment, they had to write a reflection on the Day. The results have been informative. First, students LOVED the many activities. Second, they learned so much…” [Humanities] “I noticed only students who were required to go did, so I am thinking about what kind of assignments to give them next year so they will attend as it is such an important experience, I want them all to share in it. I am also thinking of research projects my student might do and present next year.” [Business] “…I was so impressed hearing [students] speak so eloquently about [their] research, it made me feel very proud!” [Art Therapy] Students “No, thank you guys: students and especially faculty!! You all gave me such endless support – and I really appreciate it. It was such a great turnout and we all did a really good job. I’m proud to have done this with you ”
FCSR Activities to Promote Collaborative Research Culture Disseminate information on Student Research Opportunities Created the Student Research Brochure Created booklet describing faculty research interests Built dedicated “Experiential Learning” website Developing protocol for nominating students for small research grants Faculty research corner presentations at annual ELD
Administrative Support Administration provided a small budget to sponsor annual ELD print brochures Faculty have always had a small stipend to support scholarship & attending conferences Faculty Development & Welfare has always had additional funds one can apply for
Culture of Collaborative Research at AMC Today Wide administrative support More disciplines provide student research presentations at annual ELD each year Faculty have greater understanding of UR and the process of collaboration More have provided research descriptions for booklet RESOURCE: Univ. of DE UR Program Provides good models of collaborative research across disciplines