Dr. Vesta R. Whisler Dr. Diane Wright Valdosta State University Adult & Career Education Gulf South Conference, 2013 VSU Partnerships: Answers to the Complete College Georgia Initiative
Overview VSU’s Adult & Career Education Department has responded to the Complete College Georgia Initiative by retooling some of its classic programs to better fit the needs of Georgia residents, particularly: working adults and other nontraditional students graduates of two-year and technical schools instructors at two-year and technical schools
Preview Complete College Georgia Online Bachelor Degree Completion Articulation with Technical Schools Master’s in BEIT
Complete College Georgia
Overview By 2020, it is projected that over 60 percent of jobs in Georgia will require a certificate, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree. Presently, approximately 42 percent of the state’s young adults, its burgeoning workforce, are prepared to such a level. To remain competitive, Georgia must not only maintain current graduation levels, but also produce an additional estimated 250,000 graduates in upcoming years.
VSU’s Strategies Collaborating with K-12 schools Improving access for working adults and military students Increasing online bachelor's degree options Using a variety of information technology tools for early intervention of students who are academically at risk
Adult & Career Education Department Strategies Collaborating with K-12 schools Improving access for working adults and military students Increasing online bachelor's degree options Using a variety of information technology tools for early intervention of students who are academically at risk
Unique Needs of Working Adults & Non-Traditional Students Different kinds of information about their educational options Institutional flexibility in curricular and support services Academic and motivational advising supportive of their life and career goals Recognition of experience and work-based learning already obtained (CAEL, 2000) Brooke Starr knows the importance of a college degree. At a crossroads in her professional career, Starr enrolled in VSU's Workforce Education and Development program. An instructor in Wiregrass Georgia Technology College's cosmetology program, Starr credits VSU's Adult and Military Programs with helping her work toward her college degree.
NEWS VSU Earns “Military Friendly School” Distinction Top 15 percent of colleges, universities, and technical schools nationwide Valdosta State University's innovative efforts to improve access and college completion for adults has earned the university national recognition from the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). VSU President William J. McKinney officially accepted the 2012 CAEL Institutional Service Award at the organization's annual conference in Washington, D.C.
OAT-OBC OAT-OBC Recipe for Serving Georgia’s Adult Learners Previous Courses, Components from eCore, GOML, and PLA Online OAT Courses Office Administration & Technology Online Bachelor Completion Option
eCore Partnership
eCore®eCore® Electronic Core Curriculum First two years of a college degree offered online Nine affiliate institutions Students enrolled at any USG institution may register Courses designed, developed, taught, and supported by faculty and staff from the USG. Student support services coordinated through the eCore Administration: enrollment counseling Bookstore library services tutoring test proctoring disability services
Prior Learning Assessment in Partnership with Adult & Military Programs (AMP)
PLA PLA Prior Learning Assessment CLEP Advanced Placement Departmental Exams DANTES ACE Credits PLA Documentation ●Defined by the Council of Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) as: “The recognition of learning gained from experiences that may be granted credit or otherwise certified… The assessment of learning attained through experiences irrespective of the time and place in which they occurred.” [Fiddler, Marienau, & Whitaker (2006), as cited on VSU, PLA] ●Credit can be earned for prior learning through
Examples of PLA Courses at VSU ACED 1100 Intro to Business ACED 2050 Communication for the Workplace ACED 3100 Computer Systems ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I CHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry II CRJU 2100 Survey of Law Enforcement CRJU 4910 Internship in Criminal Justice CS 4121 Data Communications and Networks I CS 4122 Data Communications and Networks II CS 4345 Operating Systems Mathematics MSED 7002 Content Methods MSED 7005 Teaching Internship I NURS 3150 Principles of Baccalaureate Nursing Ed NURS 3220 Community as Client NURS 4060 Advanced Health Assessment NURS 4400 Nursing Informatics PERS 2160 Perspectives on Leadership PERS 2690 Multicultural America PERS 2710 Exploring Success PERS 2730 Internet Technology SCI 3103 Natural History for Middle School Teachers SOCI 3190 Clinical Sociology SOCI 4540 Internship in Sociology SPEC 2110 / ASLS I American Sign Language I SPEC 2120 / ASLS II American Sign Language II
eMajor Partnerships The University System of Georgia (USG) and Adult Learning Consortium (ALC) eMajor Initative offers opportunities for collaboration and partnership between USG institutions to expand online undergraduate degree offerings to meet the needs of today's busy adult learner. Current eMajor Programs: Organizational Leadership Office Administration and Technology Legal Assistant Studies
Office Administration & Technology Online Bachelor Completion Option
History & Progress of OAT-OBC Strategic Focus 2010 and 2011 Grants ($90,000/yr) Goal: 45 students within 5 years Reality: 45 students within 2 years Graduates 2 Spring Summer/Fall 2013
Admission Requirements: Overall GPA of at Least years of Verifiable Related Work Experience All Official College Transcripts Completed Core (Areas A-F) Documented Online Readiness
OAT-OBC Up to 30 Credits Experiential Learning Exemption Exams (9 cr) ACED 2000 Beginning Keyboarding ACED 2300 Intermediate Keyboarding ACED 2400 Computers for the Workplace PLA (12 cr) ACED 1100 Intro to Business ACED 2050 Communication for the Workplace ACED 3100 Computer Systems ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology Experiential Learning Courses (9 cr) ACED 2940 (3 credits) ACED 3940 (up to 6 credits) Documentation Letters from employers 1- to 2-page essay explaining how experience has resulted in college-level learning in the field of office administration and technology
OAT-OBC graduates will be able to demonstrate the same job skills and higher-level office administration skills as graduates of the on-campus program which has been in place at VSU for over 100 years: Problem Solving Office Procedures & Management Communication
OAT-OBC graduates will also be able to demonstrate competency in a variety of computer-technology applications, such as: Keyboarding & Word Processing Desktop Publishing Multimedia & Web Design Applications Spreadsheets & Databases Accounting Applications (such as Quicken) Virtual Communication (Outlook, Mobile Devices)
Articulation Partnership
The Proposed Agreement The two institutions are entering into a course Articulation Agreement in support of Complete College Georgia to assist and promote the transferability of: The Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administrative Technology To the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Office Administration and Technology.
Builds on Existing Partnership These courses are in addition to the twenty seven (27) courses specified in the articulation agreement between the University System of Georgia and the Technical College System of Georgia dated March 14, 2012.
To Summarize the Proposal Semester Credit Hours for Areas A-E = 12. Semester Credit Hours for Area F = 18. Semester Credit Hours for Major Course Requirements: Guided Electives = 9. Semester Credit Hours for Major Course Requirements = 9. Semester Credit Hours for Major Course Requirements: Guided Electives/Prior Learning= 6. TOTAL SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS AWARDED BY TRANSFER/PRIOR LEARNING EXPERIENCE = 54.
Future More articulation agreements with TCSG institutions across the state
Professional Preparation Partnership
Master's in Education – Business Education and Information Technology Option Instructional and course design skills and dispositions for business and administrative technology instructors in higher education and private sector settings Advanced computer and office applications Contains 18 credit hours of technical content as required by SACS for post-secondary two-year college instructors Applications are accepted on a continual basis. career-education/programs/master-programs/beit.php career-education/programs/master-programs/beit.php
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