Experiential English Language Portfolio A guide to… © 2006 Chulalongkorn University Language Institute
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? General idea: A language portfolio is a collection of my self-directed language tasks throughout one academic year (semester 1 and 2). It is a showcase for all the language learning experiences I have had and am planning for.
W h a t ’ s i n s i d e ?
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? General idea: A language portfolio is a collection of my self-directed language tasks throughout one academic year (semester 1 and 2). It is a showcase for all the language learning experiences I have had and am planning for.
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? Components: A language portfolio provides a place to record: :: my English language learning experiences in and outside classroom, :: my language development, :: my important language needs, and :: my most effective learning styles and strategies. My portfolio tells the teacher how she/he can help me improve my language ability
‘Language portfolio’: Components (*See Portfolio Package) “ My Language Biography ” contains details of language qualifications you hold and a showcase for all the language learning experiences you have had. > “ My Language Ability ” provides a checklist to find out your language proficiency and your target or needs. > “ My Language Learning ” is a record of your present learning activity and development. > “ My Action Plan ” and “ Task ” are for you to demonstrate your ways to improve your English. Your learning styles and strategies are reflected from activities you choose. >
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? Components: A language portfolio provides a place to record: :: my English language learning experiences in and outside classroom, :: my language development, :: my important language needs, and :: my most effective learning styles and strategies. My portfolio tells the teacher how she/he can help me improve my language ability
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? Use: A language portfolio is a necessary tool for :: demonstrating my learning interests, :: monitoring progress, :: discovering suitable learning techniques, :: developing self-awareness and meaningful self-assessment. Then, I will become a more successful language learner. Interesting!! My writing is good. I should get an A!! I got a new technique!! How can I Make better Progress?
‘Language portfolio’: Procedure Find out my language proficiency and needs Set my goal for language learning Start practicing language skills I need Evaluate and reflect on what I have done Record them on my list of portfolio entries (tasks) with a brief description Select five tasks that I am proud to present Collect the evidence of my practice (paper-based/ electronic formats)
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? Procedure: :: Find out my language proficiency and needs :: Set my goal for language learning :: Start practicing language skills I need :: Collect the evidence of my practice :: Evaluate and reflect on what I have done :: Record them on the list with a brief description :: Select five tasks that I am proud to present
‘Language portfolio’: criteria
How much do you know about ‘language portfolio’? Criteria: The ability to … :: manage my own language learning (5%) :: write a clear and informative reflection upon my learning (10%) :: improve my language skills, evaluate my level of achievement and plan my next step (5%) Total = 20%
Make your class agreement on portfolio submission date Five tasks due on: June ___ (week 4) July ___ (week 2) August ___ (week 2) August ___ (week 4) Sept ___ (week 2)