Experiences of Practicing Psychotherapy Eunsun Joo Ph.D. Duksung Women's University South Korea Discover the Effectiveness of Counseling TWSPR 2014 Aug P ersonal & P rofessional
& Personal Professional Scientist-Practitioner Model
Personal Professional 中 庸 B a l a n c e
P ersonal development Establish Identity Critical thinkingAnalytical thinking Integrative mindset + Emotional Stability
P rofessional development Psychotherapists ’ Development Person-Centered & Experiential Therapy Culture & Psychotherapy
P rofessional development Psychotherapists ’ Development Orlinsky, D., Ronnestad, M. H., Gerin, P., Willutzki, U... Joo, E. et al. (1999). Development of Psychotherapists: Concepts, questions, and methods of a collaborative international study. Psychotherapy Research, 9 (2),
P rofessional development Bae, S. H., Joo, E., &Orlinsky, D. E. (2003). Psychotherapists in South Korea: Professional and practice characteristics. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 40 (4), Psychotherapists ’ Development
Joo, E. (2009). Counselors in South Korea: A qualitative study of senior professionals.: Journal of Counseling & Development, 87 (4), P rofessional development Psychotherapists ’ Development
P rofessional development Joo. E (2013), Counseling and psychotherapy in South Korea: Disciplines flourishing in a dynamic and challenging era, Moodley, R. Gielen, U. & Wu, R. (eds), Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy in an International Context (pp ) New York: Routledge. Culture & Psychotherapy
P rofessional development Culture & Psychotherapy Joo. E. (in press). Counseling and Psychotherapy in South Korea: Misun ’ Story, Moodley, R. Sookoor, M. Gielen, U & Wu, R. (eds), Therapy Without Borders: International and cross-cultural case studies handbook, Washington: American Counseling Association.
P rofessional development Culture & Psychotherapy Joo, E.(2011), Application of focusing-oriented psychotherapy in dealing with issues of Asian immigrants: A single-case study of a Korean immigrant in Japan, Japanese Psychological Research, 53 (1),
P rofessional development Joo, E., Shin, S., Kim, J., & Kim B. (2011). Modification Development and Validity Analysis of Korean Focusing Manner Scale (KFMS). Korean Journal of Psychology: General, 30(4), (in Korean) Personal-Centered & Experiential Therapy
P rofessional development Personal-Centered & Experiential Therapy Kang, J & Joo, E. (2014). The Influence of Occupational Stress and Negative Affect on Somatization among Female Office Workers: The Mediation Effectiveness of Focusing Manners. The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology, 19 (1), (in Korean)
P rofessional development Joo. E.(2014), Focusing- Oriented Psychotherapy in Korea: Cultural Background, Research Findings and Practice Status, Madison, G., (ed), Emerging Practice in Focusing- Oriented Psychotherapy : InnovativeTheory and Applications, London: Jessica Kingsley. Personal-Centered & Experiential Therapy
P rofessional development Joo. E. (2014), Book Review: Surviving, Existing, or Living: Phase-specific therapy for severe psychosis, Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches, DOI: /
P ersonal & P rofessional D evelopment Rene Magritte's “Golconda” (1953)
Rene Magritte “Decalcomania” (1966) P ersonal & P rofessional D evelopment
Conclusion Humanistic Psychotherapist: Balancing Personal & Professional Life Rene Magritte “The Schoolmaster” (1954)
Good Luck & Thank You Eunsun Joo Ph.D. Duksung Women's University South Korea