LIASA -CICD THE FUTURE OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIES Paper presented LIASA-CiCD Winter Seminar Hannie Sander Executive Director: Library & Information Centre University of Johannesburg
LIASA -CICD AGENDA Context NetGen students and scientists A new way of thinking The networked library Scholarly communication University of Johannesburg Future …..
LIASA -CICD CONTEXT > 6 billion Internet users Info search – Internet NetGen students and scientists e-Scholarship & e-Research Cross-disciplinary Collaborative projects Self-publishing Peer review
LIASA -CICD NET GEN STUDENTS NET GEN SCIENTISTS Born Grew up with computers, other media Next Gen Millennials Digital natives Gen Y DotNets
LIASA -CICD CHARECTERISTCS Always connected – mobile devices Facebook, MySpace Multi-tasking Social, experiential learners Risk takers Produce and consume information Very visual – multi-media Real world and Virtual world
LIASA -CICD INFORMATION SEEKING BEHAVIOUR Diverse searching behaviour Horizontal information seeking Surfing the web Navigating around Brand recognition Problems seeking on long lists
LIASA -CICD A NEW WAY OF THINKING Easy, quick, reliable access Facilitator/ co-partner Mindset Innovation Experiment & Risk taking Special skills Attitude + Aptitude = Altitude
LIASA -CICD THE NETWORKED LIBRARY Multi-institutional entity Aligned with core mission (research, teaching) Repositories Partnerships internal/external
LIASA -CICD THE NETWORKED LIBRARY Digital networks Collaborative collection development Sharing staff - consortium Gartner: End 2012 – 50% large enterprises will have a networked virtual environment business presence
LIASA -CICD SCHOLARLY COMMUNCATION The creation, transformation, dissemination and preservation of knowledge related to teaching, research and scholarly endeavors. Issues include author rights, the economics of scholarly resources, new models of publishing including open access, institutional repositories, rights and access to federally funded research, and preservation of intellectual assets.
LIASA -CICD SCHOLARLY COMMUNCATION (2) Collaborative, open access online publishing University-wide support and organization of scholarly publishing, linked to university strategic mission Provision of online platforms to support publishing – repositories and journal publishing Changing role of librarians Development-focused applied research and more conventional scholarly publishing Wider and more flexible range of publications, wider range of media.
LIASA -CICD UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG RAU, Vista, TWR LIDI 2001 – 2004 Library LIVE eTDs Institutional Repository UJDigispace UJLink Blogs
USEFUL LINKS UJLink (Library catalogue) Databases e Course Reserves Ask-A-Librarian eTheses & Dissertations Online Exam Papers Reference Techniques Refworks UJ Intranet (UJ Staff only) UJ Web
DYNAMIC CHANGE GUIDED VISUALISATION GAP ANALYSIS – PLACE OF OPPORTUNITY Point of Leverage Strategic Awareness Strategic Approach Strategic Action Creating a new way of thinking
LIASA -CICD Current State Desired State Old Habits New Habits Letting go Letting come HEAD HEART GUT
LIASA -CICD THE FUTURE LUMINARY LEADER? Doing Being arises from awareness ORGANISER/DO MANAGER/SYSTEMS ENTREPRENEUR RELATIONSHIPS/ NETWORKER RELATIONSHIPS/ NETWORKER Adaptability Achievement Positive outlook Skills Coach & mentor Influence Strategic implementation Self awareness Self knowledge Personal mindset Values Organisational awareness Vision Culture Ownership External
LIASA -CICD FINAL CHALLENGE Unify HE libraries Collaborate with Research libraries National agenda
But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come.
LIASA -CICD But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended.
LIASA -CICD Acknowledgements …. UJ MEC UJ LIC Staff The Star, 6 March 2008 – Wilson Mgobhozi –
LIASA -CICD Hannie Sander University of Johannesburg