F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Being Firm in the Foundations of the Christian Faith
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Gripping The Sword The Bible- GW Mar Proofs & -isms The Trinity - GW Apl Abba Father God The Father - AG May Saviour not Super-star God the Son - GWJune Who ? not What? God the Spirit- GWJuly In The BeginningCreation Matt Frost God's Image Smudged Man - AG Oct Missing the MarkSin God’s Plus Sign The Cross - AG Dec God's Image Salvaged Salvation - GW Jan God's People Together The Church - GWFeb Jesus Returns The 2 nd Coming - AGMar Know Who You Believe……………… ………………Know What You Believe F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Sin Shows Itself In 3 Basic Ways:- SIN is an ACT - e.g. stealing. affecting the BODY - Gal SIN is an ATTITUDE - e.g pride - affecting the MIND - Ps SIN is a STATE - e.g. unsaved - affecting the SOUL - Jms. 4.17
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Jesus showed SIN to be 3-fold in Mark 7.21 in their correct experiential order: a)In Human Nature " heart" Answer? the Fruit of the Spirit. Gal b) In the Mind" thoughts" Answer?the Mind of Christ.Col c) In Action " adulteries.." Answer?Do all for God's Glory 1 Cor.10.31
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Bible’s Different Names for Sin Rom.4.15 Col.2.13,14 Ps I Jn TRANSGRESSION- Rom.4.15 deliberate stepping across a boundary. 2.TRESPASS- Col.2.13,14 as with 1 but includes the idea of self-will 3.INIQUITY- Ps act wrong in itself a perversion, a distortion of truth. 4.ERROR- I Jn. 3.4 a leaving of the right way.
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Bible’s Different Names for Sin 1 Tim Tim Eph.6.12 Job l.22 5.LAWLESSNESS- 1 Tim spiritual anarchy 6.UNGODLINESS -2 Tim a disregard for the Holy Character and demands of God. 7.WICKEDNESS-Eph.6.12 evil desires and a plot to do evil to others. 8.SIN-Job l.22 missing one's aim.
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH It may be:- Against yourself e.g. self indulgence, gluttony, self-pity etc. Against others e.g. theft, cruelty, gossip etc. Against God e.g. blasphemy unbelief etc
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Ultimately SIN is against God. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit therefore sins against one's self are therefore against God. David had abused Bathsheba, murdered Uriah and deceived Nathan yet he could still say to God " against thee only have I sinned" Ps 51.4 John's 1st. letter shows how sin is a breaking down of fellowship between God and man. I Jn. 1.7; 2. 9: 4.11.,12. He points out that sin has more a Relational Breakdown than a Judicial Consequence
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Consequences of Sin? Gen Ps Mt Rom Cor.4.4 Sin grieves GodGen Sin brings guiltPs Sin brings judgementMt Sin enslavesRom Sin blinds2 Cor.4.4
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Consequences of Sin? Eph-2.1 Eph-2.12 Titus 1.15 James 5.12 Is Sin brings deathEph-2.1 Sin brings hopelessnessEph-2.12 Sin corruptsTitus 1.15 Sin condemnsJames 5.12 Sin separates from GodIs
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Sin ACTATTITUDESTATE DoHaveAre Gen 3.6foodpleasantwise 1Jn 2.6flesheyeslife BodySoul Spirit
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Bible Words Iniquity = ruts Transgressions = boundaries Sin = mark missing Lawlessness= rebellion Error= wrong/wrung, twisted
F OUNDATIONS OF THE F AITH Sin is Internal not External Relational not Judicial Avoidable not Inevitable Forgivable not Excusable