Learning Styles Honey and Mumford South Yorkshire Police Cert Ed/PGCE Jeremy Fisher Janine Stockdale Candy Silver April 2012
Honey and Mumford Learning Styles Background to theory/model, Kolb(1984) Honey and Mumford Activist Theorist Reflector Pragmatist Advantages/ disadvantages/application Conclusion
Why? Understanding your own preferred Learning Styles can help you study more effectively by using techniques that can improve the way you: Perceive information. Process information and Organise and present information. Honey and Mumford simplified Kolb’s 4 stage cycle and their ‘theory’ was adapted work by theorists David Kolb (1984), Experiential Learning and Kurt Lewin (1942), Field Theory and Learning.
Kolb (1984) identified 4 distinct learning styles based on a 4 stage learning cycle. Accommodator Concrete experience (CE)Learn by doing and acting. Diverger Reflective observation (RO) Assimilate learning through observing and reflecting Assimilator Abstract conceptualization(AC) Develop concepts through thinking and reflection Converger Active experimentation (AE) Plan to test new concepts by doing and moving towards the CE stage of the cycle again.
CE AE RO AC Kolb (1984), 4 stage Learning Cycle (Basic) Accommodator Diverger Assimilator Converger
KolbHoney and Mumford Accommodator Concrete experience (CE) Activist Having an Experience (HE) Diverger Reflective observation (RO) Reflector Reviewing the Experience(RE) Assimilator Abstract conceptualization(AC) Theorist Concluding from the Experience (CFE) Converger Active experimentation (AE) Pragmatist Planning the next steps (PNS) Honey and Mumford Their styles are based on the stages of the Kolb learning cycle and have evolved. Honey and Mumford use different terms for each stage of the learning cycle and for each of the learning styles.
CE/HE AE/PNS RO/RE AC/CFE Honey and Mumford 4 stage Learning Cycle. Similarities with Kolb. Activist Reflector Theorist Pragmatist
Activist Activists are people who learn by doing. They like to involve themselves in new experiences, and will ‘try anything once’. They tend to act first and consider the consequences afterwards. Activists learn best when: Involved in new experiences, problems and opportunities. Thrown in at the deep end. Working with others in problem solving, games, role-playing exercises. Able to lead a group. Activists learn least when: Listening to lectures or reading long explanations. Reading, writing and thinking on their own. Analysing and interpreting lots of data. Following precise instructions.
Theorist Theorists prefer to think problems through in a step-by-step manner. They like lectures, systems, case studies, models, and readings. Theorists learn best when: presented with a system, model, concept or theory they can explore methodically links between ideas, events and situations they can question and probe the basic methodology, assumptions or logic they are intellectually stretched they are in structured situations with a clear purpose Theorists learn least when: have no apparent context or purpose have to participate in situations emphasising emotions and feelings are involved in unstructured activities are asked to act or decide without a basis in policy, principle or concept
Reflector Reflectors are individuals who like to have time for planning and preparation as well as opportunities for review. Reflectors learn best when: they are able to watch / think / ponder on activities they have time to think before acting careful, detailed research can be carried out time for review is available decisions can be reached without pressure and tight deadlines Reflectors learn least when: they feel ‘forced’ into the limelight there is no time for planning they are given insufficient data on which to base a conclusion
Pragmatist Pragmatists like to put things into practice. Theories and concepts are of no use to them unless they can see how such things work ‘in real life’. They are the ‘experimenters’. Pragmatists learn best when: they have a chance to try out what they have learnt; they can focus on practical tasks and actions; there are obvious practical advantages; they are given techniques relevant and applicable to their own work. Pragmatists learn least when: there are no clear guidelines; they feel like they are running round in circles; there is no apparent benefit or ‘reward’ from the activity; the learning is unrelated to any need that they recognise.
Advantages Ability to determine learning style of an individual Easy to use 40 item or 80 item questionnaire developed by Pete Honey Determining learning style helps hone learning style adopted and resources required.
Disadvantages Model is limited and does not consider other variables such as learning disabilities: (Sudbury, Model of Democratic Education.) Learners don’t always have one ‘style’ of learning and adapt different styles dependent on the activity Other theory/models useful in determining learning styles e.g.: (VAK/VARK) Subjective : questionnaire (can be answered dishonestly giving inaccurate results).
Practical Use Which one are you ? Take the test
Conclusion People learn best when the learning activity suits their learning style When teaching, you will favour activities suited to your own learning style Everyone is different. Only 2% of the population are ‘all rounders’ The more types of learning activity you adopt, the more likely you are to cater for all learning styles. Numerous variables can affect learning styles and there are other theories/models that shouldn't be ignored.