1 Cross-Border Service-Learning Summer Institute The Role of the Youth Development Program in the Community – The Warehouse Teenage Club Ltd. A Showcase.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-Border Service-Learning Summer Institute The Role of the Youth Development Program in the Community – The Warehouse Teenage Club Ltd. A Showcase 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

2 Cross-Border Service-Learning Summer Institute by Ivan C H Tam RSW, Chartered MCIPD 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

3 The Warehouse Teenage Club 蒲窩青少年中心 A showcase in “The role of the Youth Development Program in the Community” 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

4 WHY (A means to an end) Provides a Member’s Second Home with YOUTH CULTURE, enables teenagers create their unlimited SPACE, and be a responsible citizen. 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

5 WHY (A means to an end) S: Self-esteem P: Participation A: Alternatives C: Creativities E: Education 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

6 CHARACTERISTICS Not subvented by the Govt. Located in a 2 nd class Heritage Building Permissive Free Dimension Start with Members’ SPACE Arts & Culture Service Platform for People Networking Free Boundary (going beyond HK) 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

7 WHAT AREAS BEING DEVELOPPED Moral (Civic Education, National Education) Spiritual (Positive Attitude, be a responsible people to individual, home & the Country) Physical (Sports & Experiential Learning) Social (Social Interaction, people affects people) Aesthetic (Arts & Culture) 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

8 WHO INVOLVED Service Clients: Members Service Workers: Facilitators, instructors, trainers, professionals, Corporations Service Helpers: Mentors (Friends of the Warehouse) Stake Holders: Funders, members & their significant others, Board of Directors, social institutions & Govt. officials 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

9 WHAT MEANS Arts & culture Social interactions (social dynamics; people influence people) With a growth process (process oriented, not task oriented) Reaching out to the community 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

10 TRAINING CONTENTS Knowledge Skills & Attitudes 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

11 RESOURCES NEEDED Funding Hardware: premise & facilities Software: professionals, systems, community support & synergies Positive attitudes & warm human relations 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

12 ROLES SPACE Provider Care Giver Enabler Facilitator Helper Mentor 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

13 Corporate Governance – Responsible to the Community Legal compliance Open & clear policies & programme contents Fair & just management Accountable attitudes & practices 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

14 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

15 The Warehouse Teenage Club 蒲窩青少年中心 since 1992 (A Showcase) 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

16 The Warehouse is a member of Wofoo Social Enterprises with a vision of “Harmony brings family prosperity, cohesion makes a nation wealthy” 「人和家富 民和國富」 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

17 Warehouse Teenage Club is A charitable organization dedicated to youth services A charitable organization dedicated to youth services Serving youth aged between and their significant others Serving youth aged between and their significant others 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

18 Mission Member’s Second Home with YOUTH CULTURE, enables teenagers create their unlimited SPACE S: Self-esteem S: Self-esteem P: Participation P: Participation A: Alternative A: Alternative C: Creativity C: Creativity E: Education E: Education 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

19 Offers programme/activities a stage for performance a stage for performance a permissiveness space a permissiveness space 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

20 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

21 characteristics 1. Uniqueness of its Site and Environment Its building is a Protected Cultural Item Govt. recognized class 2 historical building, previously, it is police station A crossover of historical hardware and latest facilities With community facilities With camp & hostel facilities 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

22 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

23 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

24 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment : Café 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

25 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment : Dance Room 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

26 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment : Band Room 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

27 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment : Skate Ramp & Experiential Learning 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

28 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment : Recreation Room 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

29 Uniqueness of its Site and Environment : BBQ Site 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

30 Services 2. Arts & Cultural Programmes Music & Band Dancing (Hip Hop & Breaking) Graffiti Drama Sports Social & Leadership Conservation & Heritage Experiential Learning Facilities & Hostel rental Facilities & Hostel rental 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

31 Graffiti 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

32 Graffiti 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

33 Drama 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

34 Dancing 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

35 Band Shows 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

36 Conservation and Heritage 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

37 Social Services etc. 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

38 Extending of SPACE WLN, Wofoo Leadership Network 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM Wofoo Leadership Network Series – Serving-Learning Stars of Lingnan (An evolution of service from Centre based into College Based, with unique service targets – tertiary students)

39 Suggested Reading List: 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM 怪獸家長,屈穎妍著,天行者出版, 2010 年 11 月初版 港爸港媽、丁寶臣著,明窗出版社、 2011 年 1 月初版 港孩,黃明樂著,明窗出版社、 2011 年 1 月第九版 港童失控,張艾玲著,生活書房, 2010 年 9 月

40 Suggested Reading List: 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM 教養可以這麼浪漫,李偉文著,野人文化股份有限公司, 2008 年 6 月二版 15 刷 東大爸爸,這樣教養孩子,陰山英男著,王岑文譯,日 月文化出版社股份有限公司, 2011 年 3 月 Gysbers, N.C., & Henderson, P. (2006). Developing & managing your school guidance and counseling program. 4 th edition. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association

41 Suggested Reading List: 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper and Row. ISBN 朱子治家格言 朱子治家格言 Wofoo Leadership Network, LUHK WLN, LUHK

42 Suggested WEB Sites: 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM 教育局網頁 : 中文大學全人發展獎勵計劃: person-development.pdf person-development.pdf

43 Suggested WEB Sites: 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM 城市理工大學學生全人發展模式: 香港專上教育學院: 和富社會企業:

44 The Role of the Youth Development Program in the Community – The Warehouse Teenage Club Ltd. Q & A 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

45 Thank you for your patience! 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

46 Thank you for your patience! 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM

47 END 6th July, 2011 by Ivan C H TAM