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Presentation transcript:

Region IV MIAMI FIELD OFFICE Thank you for being here. Our office serves the southern part of FL with Jacksonville picking up the rest. I hope that this presentation serves to help you better inform your constituents on HUD issues and as much as possible gets them the information they need directly. Region IV MIAMI FIELD OFFICE

Mission Statement HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination, and transform the way HUD does business.

Program Coverage Program Areas: Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Office of Public Housing (PIH) Office of General Counsel (OGC) Office of Field Policy & Management (FPM) Office of Community Planning & Development (CPD) Office of Housing (Multi-Family and Single- Family)

Office of Community Planning & Development (CPD)

Office of Community Planning & Development (CPD) Ann D. Chavis (305) 520-5010 CPD seeks to develop viable communities by promoting integrated approaches that provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunities for low and moderate income persons. The primary means towards this end is the development of partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector, including for-profit and non-profit organizations. The Miami CPD Office provides funds for: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) HOME Emergency Shelter/Solutions Grants Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

Office of Community Planning & Development Cont. CPD also funds a number of programs that provide transitional and permanent housing for homeless people. Through Section 108 Loan Guarantees and Economic Development Initiative (EDI) grants as well as CDBG, CPD creates jobs enhancing the local tax base. CPD serves low and moderate-income people, eliminates blight and provides affordable housing through its assistance to States, Cities and Counties.

Office of Community Planning & Development Cont. NSP was a temporary program that made a huge impact in south fl

Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Krista Mills Director, Programs & Compliance 502-618-8140 FHEO’s Programs & Compliance Division is responsible for ensuring that recipients of Federal financial assistance from HUD in the Miami and Jacksonville offices administer their programs and activities in accordance with civil rights related program requirements. The functions of the Division can be categorized into five areas:  Section 3 complaints intake, investigation and assistance Monitoring, compliance reviews, and enforcement Outreach and education Review and advice Special activities

Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Cont. Natasha Watson Director of Enforcement 678-732-2163 FHEO’s Enforcement Division is responsible for the investigation of all complaints of housing discrimination filed under Title VIII of the Civil Right Act (the Fair Housing Act) and other civil rights authorities.

. Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Cont Signing of National Fair Housing Collegiate Partnership with Florida memorial university

Office of Public Housing José Cintrón, Director (305) 536-4443 The Office of Public and Indian Housing administers and manages a range of programs authorized and funded by Congress under the basic provisions of the U.S. Housing, Act of 1937, as amended. The Act created the public and Indian housing program, which now provides affordable housing to over 1.3 million households nationwide. One of our largest programs and the one that takes up a good portion of our budget. Over 45% of HUD’s budget is spent on public housing programs.

Office of Public Housing, Cont. A summary of PIH programs is as follows: Capital Fund / Demolition Family Self-Sufficiency Homeownership HOPE VI/ Choice Neighborhoods Housing Choice Vouchers (Formerly Section 8) Operating Fund for Public Housing Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) The biggest and most well known programs are the Housing Choice Voucher or section 8 and public housing, which is provided for through operating subsidies.

Office of Public Housing, Cont. On an annual basis Congress provides funds for: Public housing units Modernization of the housing stock Improvement of management and programs administered by public housing authorities Programs to address crime and security Supportive services and tenant opportunities The Miami Office of Public and Indian Housing (OPH) is responsible for ensuring that public housing agencies provide safe, decent, and affordable housing for low-income residents, create self-sufficiency opportunities, and promote economic independence for residents. Here you see where some of the funding goes.

Office of Public Housing, Cont. Generally, two types of public housing, both administered by Public Housing Authorities: Low Rent Public Housing Program Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program Public housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Public housing comes in all sizes and types, from scattered single-family houses to high-rise apartments for elderly families. One of the challenges is that these programs do not have time limits associated with them nor are tenants required to leave public housing or section 8 if their income increases. They simply pay more rent. This means there is not a lot of turn over on these programs and therefore waiting list are rarely ever opened.

Office of Public Housing, Cont. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program is a tenant-based program that allows very low-income families to choose and lease or purchase safe, decent, and affordable privately owned rental housing. Public housing authorities may also administer project-based vouchers where a subsidy is attached to a unit. All applications for housing assistance through the Low-Rent Public Housing Program or the Section 8 program must be obtained directly from a Public Housing Authority.

Redevelopment in Tampa

Office of Housing Multifamily Program Center Stephanie Benson Acting Director, Multifamily Program (located in HUD’s Jacksonville Field Office) (904) 208-6101 The Office of Multifamily Housing is responsible for the overall management, development, direction and administration of the Multifamily Housing Programs such as: FHA Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Quality Assurance for the underwriting of FHA insured mortgages The Asset Management and Disposition of multifamily housing projects (Multifamily Production is handled by HUD’s Jacksonville Field Office) Mortgages and Project-based rental subsidy programs

Office of Housing Multifamily Program Center, Cont. The Multifamily Housing Division also oversees privately-owned federally subsidized elderly housing, nursing homes, hospitals, disabled individuals housing and Section 8 Rental assistance. The responsibilities also include community-based initiatives such as Neighborhood Networks, Safe Neighborhood Grants and other supportive services in those rental programs.

Ribbon cutting – new MF development in Boynton beach Here is a market rate project in Boynton Beach, FL

'FHA 80 Years' Now we come to what is our largest program but ironically not the one that cost the most. FHA, for single family units, which celebrates its 80th anniversary this year.

hud Homeownership Centers HUD Homeownership Centers insure single family FHA mortgages and oversee the selling of HUD homes. For local home buying, FHA mortgage insurance information, or technical support for industry professionals, contact the FHA Resource Center at: 1(800) CALLFHA or 1(800) 225-5342

Office of Housing Single Family Program Support Division This Division is responsible for monitoring and conducting compliance reviews of nonprofit agencies such as HUD-Certified Housing Counseling Agencies that work with HUD’s homeownership programs, and title closing agencies. Staff also reviews the Office and Teacher Next Door program. This Division is also responsible for the sale of HUD’s Real Estate Owned (REO) properties. To view a list of REO properties and sales procedures, visit at:

Office of Housing Single Family Program Support Division Virginia Vich (305) 536-4579 The Single Family Support Division is out stationed in the Miami Field Office from Markets FHA loan programs and foreclosure prevention tools, and informs industry partners about new program developments. Office of Housing Counseling Judy Ayers-Britton (305)520-5059

Office of Field Policy & Management: Public Affairs Gloria Shanahan Public Affairs Officer (305) 520-5030 HUD's Office of Public Affairs (OPA) strives to educate and keep the American people informed about the Department's mission to create strong, resilient, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. By pursuing media outreach, OPA works to ensure homeowners, renters, and those living in subsidized housing hear directly from key officials about the Department's latest initiatives and goals.  

Office Of Field Policy & Management  Armando Fana Field Office Director (305) 520-5026 Field Policy & Management serves as the first point of contact for HUD clients and for Members of Congress and congressional staff. This office serves as a liaison between all of the disciplines within the Department and represents the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of HUD. There is my contact information, which most of you have. My staff will be the ones who generally will be assisting you.

Communication with HUD Correspondence Point of Contact Each Field Office has a designated point of contact through which all congressional inquiries should be directed (not addressed). In Miami Field Office, please contact: Thomacina W. Brown 305-520-5003 Or Bob W. Cook 305-520-5027 Here you have your points of contact, my staff who will be assisting you in most cases. I want to add that one of the challenges that we face at HUD in regards to how we are funded is that our budget is highly controlled through the appropriations process to the point where there is very little to no discretion in how resources can be best used including staffing. This creates major challenges to operations. Please do not hesitate to request information on housing listings, foreclosure prevention resources, etc that you can give directly to your constituents. We would be happy to provide them.