Sustainable Disaster Recovery Conference St. Louis University Center for Sustainability Steve Eggleston November 14, 2013
Sustainable Disaster Recovery Conference The Role of Government in Sustainable Disaster Recovery
Iowa Flood of
Result of 2008 Flood Iowa counties presidentially declared as disasters designated to receive various types of assistance. (Light yellow) Public Assistance (dark orange) Public and Individual Assistance (red) Individual Assistance 4
Iowa Flood
State of Iowa Flood of 2008 Final Results 6 Duration June 7 - around July 1 Fatalities0 Damages At least $64 billion
Cedar Rapids, IA Statistics Houses damaged: 5,238 (parcels: 5,390) Businesses damaged: 940 (parcels: 1,049) Non-profits/faith organizations damaged: 77 City blocks affected: 1,300 (10 square miles) River levels: Crest feet June 13, 2008 at 10:15 am (flood stage 12 feet), 7
Housing Needs Assessment Model Nora Ladjahasan, Institute for Design Research and Outreach, Iowa State University Has Housing Recovered in Iowa Communities after the Floods of 2011 Presented: 2011 HousingIowa Conference 8
Overview of Housing Assessment Results Housing Gap - Unable to meet housing of following groups: Lower Income 54% Renters 51% Middle class 27% Elderly 24% Persons with Disasbilities 24% 9
Sources of Housing Replacement Insurance Settlements 81% FEMA, HUD or other Federal funds 68% Private Funds 68% State Funds 65% United Way or NGO 43% 10
Rebuilding community People chose to rebuild based on: – Insurance Payment they received on Home 96% – Available, plotted land 55% – Zoning 13% – Personal ability to finance 3% 11
National Disaster Recovery Framework 12 Six Recovery Support Functions – Community Planning and Capacity Building – Economic – Health and Human Services – Infrastructure Systems – Natural and Cultural Resources – Housing
Housing Recovery Support Function Mission – Coordinate and facilitate delivery of federal resources – Assist state, local and tribal governments in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of destroyed and damaged housing. – Develop other new accessible housing resources. 13
Housing Recovery Support Function (cont) Mission (cont) Link existing: – Housing resources – Programs – Technical assistance and; – Subject matter experts across Housing Recovery Support Function partners to state and local recovery efforts. 14
Housing Recovery Support Function: Objectives – Identify Strategies to strengthen post-disaster housing markets – Meet the need for quality affordable rental housing – Utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life – Build inclusive and sustainable communities – Integrate disaster mitigation measures into community design and development efforts 15
Mission Scoping Assessment Meeting the Objectives – Assessment of the potential scope of Housing RSF support to state recovery efforts; –Used to identify and focus technical assistance in select counties. –Housing Recovery Support Strategy (RSS) developed based on this assessment. 16
Mission Scoping Assessment –Baseline Demographics –Housing Characteristics –Vacant Units –Age of Housing Stock –Persons with Disabilities –Verified Losses – SF and MF (FEMA) 17
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force President Obama – Executive Order – December 7, Established Hurricane Sandy rebuilding Task Force Charged Task Force with identifying and working to remove obstacles to resilient building and promoting long-term sustainability of communities. 18
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy – Establish guidelines for investment of Federal funds (initial supplemental funding of $50 billion) – Align funding with local rebuilding visions – Provide assistance efficiently with maximum accountability – Coordinate efforts of all partners ensuring region-wide approach – Ensure region is built to be resilient – able to withstand future storms. 19
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy 20 −Resilience: The ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions and withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions.
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy Overview 21 −Rebuilding Strategy includes 69 recommendations −Divided into several policy priorities −Identified with input from public engagement
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy Overview of recommendations 22 −Promote Resilient Rebuilding; − Ensure a Regionally Coordinated Approach; −Provide Families Safe, Affordable Housing Options; − Support Small Businesses −Building Local government Capacity to Plan for Long-Term rebuilding
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy – Creation of the NDRF was driven by the recognition that planning for long-term recovery must begin even as response activities are underway and must incorporate a wide array of stakeholders, including all levels of government, the private and non-profit sectors, emergency management and community development professionals, and disaster recovery practitioners. 23
Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Strategy 24 − RECOMMENDATION: Require grantees to use CDBG-DR funding to support public and HUD-assisted multi-family housing, as well as subsidized and tax credit- assisted affordable housing with recovery and risk mitigation efforts.
Additional Information 25 − HUD Disaster Resources
Thank you − For additional information or questoins: − Steve Eggleston, Field Office Director, Des Moines, IA Field Office − Region VII Disaster Coordinator − 26