Housing Department City Council PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY FIVE-YEAR PLAN AND ANNUAL PLAN William Huang, Director of Housing and Career Services Myrtle Dunson, Housing Assistance Officer
Housing Department 2 Recommendations Find that the proposed action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) (“general rule exemption”) as it will not have a potentially significant environmental effect; and Approve the City’s Public Housing Five-Year Plan ( ) and Annual Plan (2014) and authorize the City Manager to execute any and all documents regarding its submission to HUD.
Housing Department 3 Summary of PHA Plans Requirement for continued operation Current budget totaling $17 million PHA Plan Documents details operations and management; program participants and their concerns; strategy for handling operational issues; needs for the upcoming fiscal year.
Housing Department 4 Current Program Status Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) - leased (1,362) out of 1,442 vouchers – 94.5% Shelter Plus Care – leased (85) out of 85 certificates - 100% VASH - leased (22) out of 25 vouchers – 88% Non-Elderly Disabled NED I - leased (51) out of 60 – 85% NED II - leased (32) out of 40 – 80% HOPWA - leased (5) out of 15 vouchers – 33%
Housing Department Current Program Status 1,647 households (3% of all Pasadena households) seniors children & youth disabled $1,100 Average Rent $ 654 Average Subsidy Waiting List 2,070 names as of January 2014 Utilization rate averages 94% 5
Housing Department Program Strategy Promote a 95% Section 8 lease-up rate (of the 1,442 HCV) by utilizing an appropriate payment standard that enables families to rent units throughout the City. Support the preservation of existing affordable rental housing units. 6
Housing Department Program Strategy Promote and maintain continued participation by property owners in rental assistance programs. Identify, leverage and effectively utilize all available funding sources (local and other) for affordable housing. 7
Housing Department PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY PLANS Five Year Plan describes the mission of the agency and its goals and objectives. Each PHA submits this Plan to HUD once every 5th PHA fiscal year.PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY FIVE YEAR PLAN ( ) - Five Year Plan describes the mission of the agency and its goals and objectives. Each PHA submits this Plan to HUD once every 5th PHA fiscal year. Annual Plan covers policies and procedures of the agency and is submitted to HUD every year.PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY ANNUAL PLAN (2014) - Annual Plan covers policies and procedures of the agency and is submitted to HUD every year. 8
Housing Department Housing Progress Progress in Meeting Goals and Objectives described in the 5 Years for Fiscal Years : PCDC Goal:Expand the supply of assisted housing Objective: Apply for additional rental vouchers Progress: In 2009 Pasadena had only 1,315 vouchers, currently we have 1,442 vouchers. PCDC Goal:Improve the quality of assisted housing Objective: Improve voucher management: (SEMAP score) Progress: During FY 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 the SEMAP scores had rated City of Pasadena as a High Performer. 9
Housing Department Housing Progress PCDC Goal:Increase assisted housing choices Objective: Provide voucher mobility counseling Progress: Increased participating owners/landlords by 5%, even with the decrease in HUD’s annual payment standards for the last 3 years. 10
Housing Department Goals and Objectives Goal: Improve the availability of Decent, Safe, and Affordable Housing Objective: Apply for additional rental vouchers. Goal: Improve the Quality of Assisted Housing Objective: Maintain Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) High Performance rating. Goal: Ensure integrity in Housing Choice Voucher Program Objective: Utilize technology to increase security of personal information and provide better customer service during HCV open enrollment. 11
Housing Department Goals and Objectives Goal: Continue to promote fair housing and equal opportunities Objective: Continue to provide training related to fair housing discrimination to employees, its owners and tenants at workshops and mailers. 12