Public Housing for Seniors Presented by: Brenda Marrero, Esquire Aging and Disabilities Unit Community Legal Services
2 What is public housing? Housing for low income residents at rents they can afford Run by U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), locally by public housing authority (PHA) Housing choice vouchers Privately managed v. public
3 What is “senior housing”? Age 62+ Units that are specifically set aside for senior citizens Housing choice waiting list frozen since most seniors end up in PHA senior conventional housing
4 Basic eligibility criteria 3 Basic Criteria Annual gross income (per/yr) 30% of median: $13,400 1 person Very low income: $22,350 1 person Low income: $35,750 1 person Are you elderly, a person with a disability or applying as a family US citizenship or eligible immigrant status
5 How do I apply for senior housing? Call directly where you want to apply Call local housing authority See housing counselor—go to Housing Counseling Agencies
6 Application Process Go to housing counseling agency or contact local housing authority Application has to be in writing Housing authority representative may visit you in your current home for an interview What documents do you need to provide? See checklist in handouts
7 Owning a home and getting senior housing You don’t have to sell your home to get senior housing—there is no law that requires this Some considerations! if receiving SSI or Medicaid, beware of resource limits What is the equity in your home? Don’t sell your house for less than what it is worth, i.e. don’t deed it to your daughter for $1
8 Common reasons for denial Criminal conviction on your record Bad credit Legal basis for denials—Mandatory v. Discretionary Denials
9 How do I fight a denial? Appeal! Right to informal hearing Seek legal assistance, housing counseling or social worker Good debt v. bad debt Expungement of criminal conviction-see handout If ID theft, i.e. incorrect information on your credit report? Attorney General Consumer Protection Hotline
10 Your rights as a tenant What laws protect you? Fair Housing Act, Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964 Complaints—what if you need to file one?
11 Tips for consumers Helps to have an attorney If homeowner, seek advice before accepting housing HUD website Philadelphia HUD office.cfm office.cfm Always explain circumstances of negative Resources
12 Resources Community Legal Services, Inc. 1424 Chestnut, 3638 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia Legal Assistance 42 S. 15 th Street 5 th Fl., US Dept of Housing and Urban Development Philadelphia Local HUD office, Philadelphia Housing Authority 12 S. 23 rd Street, Philadelphia Corporation for the Aging Helpline