VA DATA R EPORTS VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System.


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Presentation transcript:

VA DATA R EPORTS VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System

VA DATA PRODUCES 23 REPORTS  11 reports are for state/federal funding agencies  2 reports are for the general public  10 reports are for the use of the local Sexual and Domestic Violence Agencies (SDVAs) who supply all of the data

R EPORTS FOR S TATE /F EDERAL F UNDING A GENCIES Domestic Violence Program Report VDSS Outcome Report Sexual Assault Grant Program Report VSTOP Victim Fund 5 Reports for DHCD, HUD, ESG

D OMESTIC V IOLENCE P ROGRAM R EPORT This report is published for the VA Dept. of Social Services (VDSS) and is required of domestic violence programs who receive funding from the department. It provides a comprehensive overview of: Service recipient demographics Services provided by domestic violence programs Community engagement activities

VDSS O UTCOME R EPORT This report is published for the VA Dept. of Social Services (VDSS) and is required of domestic violence programs who receive funding from the department. This report was introduced in July 2014 and includes data from July 1, 2014 forward. It provides a provides a summary of selected data from the DOW surveys and from the Community Engagement form.

O THER VA DATA R EPORTS PRODUCED FOR VDSS The VDSS Domestic Violence Program report and Outcome Report (mentioned in the prior slides) provides data required by the state VDSS office. VAdata also produces 2 additional reports for VDSS to summarize service recipients and services for 2 federal funding sources: Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)

S EXUAL A SSAULT G RANT P ROGRAM R EPORT This report is published for the VA Dept. of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and is required of sexual violence agencies who are receiving sexual assault grant program funding This report meets the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) requirements to: Describe the demographics of persons who have reported a new crime of sexual violence Describe the services provided to all survivors of sexual violence And also includes a summary of Community Engagement activities

N OTE ABOUT THE S EXUAL A SSAULT G RANT P ROGRAM R EPORT It is important to know that the demographics section of this report only detail those individuals who have reported a new crime (“new” as defined as not having been reported to the SDVA in the past). The dates on the Presenting Sexual Violence Experience sections of the Hotline and Advocacy forms determine which survivors are identified as “new.” For a comprehensive sexual assault services report, including all survivors served, please see the Sexual Assault Services report.

VSTOP AND V ICTIM F UND R EPORTS These reports are published for the VA Dept. of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and are required for SDVAs who receive VSTOP or Victim Funds. The VSTOP report meets the federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) requirements. The Victim Fund report is similar to the VSTOP report and provides information to DCJS about how these state funds are utilized.

N OTE ABOUT THE VSTOP AND V ICTIM F UND R EPORTS The data from these reports come primarily from the Advocacy and Community Engagements forms, though there is a bit from the Hotline form. Please review the VSTOP and Victim Fund training modules for detailed information. These reports only include data on the new clients who received VSTOP and/or Victim Fund services during the report period. The VAdata report provides the data needed for SDVAs to complete their required DCJS report forms.

H OUSING S TABILIZATION R EPORTS FOR DHCD, HUD AND ESG These reports are published for the VA Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), Housing and Urban Development (HUD, a federal program), and Emergency Services Grant program (also a federal program, often administered by cities). These reports include all of the data required by DHCD for the following grant programs: VHSP-Shelter VHSP-Rapid Re-Housing VHSP-Prevention Because VAdata collects this required data, it is considered an HMIS- comparable database.

N OTE ABOUT THE H OUSING R EPORTS FOR HUD AND ESG Because local Continuums of Care (CoCs) distribute federal HUD funds, and either CoCs or cities distribute ESG funds, there are no standardized reports for Virginia. To accommodate data needs, these reports were designed in the same format as the VHSP reports for DHCD. All of the housing stabilization reports are in pilot for 2015 and may change as needed to support domestic violence programs.

R EPORTS FOR THE G ENERAL P UBLIC Statewide Sexual Violence Report Statewide Domestic Violence Report

The VAdata Advisory Committee establishes the content of the Statewide Domestic and Sexual Violence reports. The data for these reports are reviewed each spring by the Action Alliance staff, and occasionally SDVAs are requested to update data that seem to be in error. When the reports appear to be an accurate reflection of statewide services, they are released to the general public. The Action Alliance sends out these reports to entities who are likely to have an interest in them. They include state agencies, state legislators, and national partners. They are also published on the VAdata website.

R EPORTS FOR SDVA S Local Agency Sexual Violence Report Local Agency Domestic Violence Report Community Engagement Report Documenting Our Work Shelter Services Report Documenting Our Work Community-Based Services Report Sexual Assault Services Report Advocacy Data Report Hotline Data Report Summary Report by Staff

L OCAL A GENCY S EXUAL V IOLENCE, D OMESTIC V IOLENCE, D UAL A GENCY, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT REPORTS These reports were designed in the format of the Statewide reports. Users can select individual localities to view summary data by locality. These reports were designed so that each page “stands alone” to provide an overview of a single topic, enhancing their value as handouts. These reports include color graphics and can be printed in PDF form for maximum effect.

These reports can also be produced in HTML format. With this format, users can cut and paste data and graphics for use in other formats, such as newsletters, Facebook posts, and reports. Visual representations of data are often more compelling. Suggested uses for these reports: Provide to board, volunteers, and contributors Send to community-based funders (ex., United Way, foundations) Send to local governments Send to state legislators Send to community partners

D OCUMENTING O UR W ORK (DOW) S HELTER S ERVICES AND C OMMUNITY -B ASED S ERVICES R EPORTS These reports provide a summary of ALL of the data in the surveys completed by adult service recipients. To preserve anonymity, users may only access data older than 90 days. How these reports can be used to improve service delivery: These data document the impact of services These data can be used to develop outcomes The text data can be used to “bring the voices of survivors” to public awareness publications, social media, reports, newsletters, and funding proposals

S EXUAL A SSAULT S ERVICES R EPORT As indicated earlier in this presentation, the DCJS Sexual Assault Program report limits the demographic data on service recipients to those who reported NEW crimes. This report is designed in the format of the VDSS Domestic Violence Program report to provide a comprehensive over view of: Demographics of all service recipients Services provided by sexual assault crisis centers Community engagement activities

A DVOCACY AND H OTLINE D ATA R EPORTS These reports provide a summary of ALL of the data included in the Advocacy and Hotline forms and are inclusive of BOTH sexual violence and domestic violence data and services. These reports provide users with the opportunity to select data by locality, age, and/or local only data (please review the VAdata Tools module for more information about the Local Only data field and its uses).

U SES FOR THE A DVOCACY AND H OTLINE D ATA R EPORTS Summary of ALL agency service recipients – unduplicated, meaning that you can view the total number of people your agency serves, regardless of which type (SV or DV) of services they receive. Thorough analysis of data by locality or region (you can choose one locality or a group) Thorough analysis of data by age (you can choose any age range) You can analyze data based on your personalized Local Only options

S UMMARY R EPORT BY S TAFF This report provides a very brief overview of agency activities by staff The staff names included are those you have designated as “active” via the Manage Staff tool (see VAdata Tools module). This report was designed primarily as a management tool.

The data in this report include:

T HE DATA IN ALL OF THE REPORTS EVOLVE ON A REGULAR BASIS Often reports for funders are updated at the request of those funders. On an annual basis, the VAdata Advisory Committee reviews data for quality and content. Changes are made annually to reflect new data included in the VAdata forms, and some data may be eliminated if its quality has been deemed questionable.

Q UESTIONS ABOUT ANY REPORT VAdata forms and reports are a complex system with many moving parts! If you have any questions about “where” we get the data for the reports, what the reports mean, or if you are concerned about a report’s accuracy (or any other kind of question!), please do not hesitate to contact your designated SDVA If they are unable to address your concern immediately, they will work with the VAdata staff to get you the support you need.

A NOTHER W AY T O G ET H ELP You can also post a message on the Comments/Suggestions board. Your messages are automatically sent via to the VAdata staff.